Do your hallucinations seem real?

They really do to me. It’s thought broadcasting I struggle with. And is thought broadcasting possible? That’s my other question. I know some of you guys see things also. Visual hallucinations. I experienced that too off medication. Hang in there.


Don’t “hallucinations” seem real because they are… hallucinations? (If one has sz – or even psychotic bipolar – isn’t this that Nature of the Game?) I’m not dissing your title question, however. Just noting that this is The Way It Works in sz.

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the only hallucination i had was that some guy in the hospital had “snake eyes” or “cat eyes” you know those slits? for a moment and that he was evil. thats all

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Well what about thought broadcasting?

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Schizophrenics are the only people who display TB. People who do not have sz do not. That simple.

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Oh wow thanks. I didn’t really understand that. I have no problem with it if it is that secretive. So only we can experience it. It’s interesting. I did hallucinate a shadow man before. My first visual hallucination. Occurred when I was lying in bed.

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Might be very useful to get a copy of this book and read it. Have your family read it, too.

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Thank you seems like a great book. :slight_smile:

I have problems with voices sounding like people I know. Then there’s Aaron, Devon, Rebecca and baliel. Baliel the gargoyle, is the only nice one. Then I see bugs large ones size of a man’s hand. Last but not least there’s the gremlins, nasty little buggers ( trying not to cuss)

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Yes, my hallucinations seem very real to me most of the time. There are times where I can tell that they aren’t real, but mostly I have trouble differentiating between reality and fragments of my artificial world. Like you, I also have trouble with telling if thought broadcasting is real or not. It’s a very scary thing to me, because it makes me feel afraid that people can read my mind, especially when it comes to embarrassing thoughts.

Hang in there, 9hands. I support you and I hope you’re getting help.


Yes, they sure do. Sounds like a constant berating above and slightly behind my head.

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I speak and hear voices 24/7 they seem very real to me as real as anything else. I also experience thousands of tactile tentacle like movements on my head per day and they are also very real to me. I at times have things entering into me and try to become me this is also very real to me, for they can speak through me and act through me also. I find them to be comforting and they also help me to try and understand myself better, my experiences are spiritual in nature.



Yeah my hallucinations were so real I didn’t even know they were hallucinations


Mine as well. Over time, though (and with the help of a lot of mindfulness training; see below) I was able to see that my hallucinations got far worse when I got too hungry, frustrated (and angry), paranoid, lonely and tired. I picked up this “HALT” idea from AA (also see below) and used it along with the 10 StEPs of emotion processing to keep an eye on my manic roll-ups, though I still don’t do it perfectly. But I do do it a lot better all the time.

MBSR – Welcome to the Mindful Living Blog
ACT – ACT | Association for Contextual Behavioral Science
MBBT – An Introduction to Mind-Body Bridging & the I-System – New Harbinger Publications, Inc
10 StEP – Pair A Docks: The 10 StEPs of Emotion Processing



Yeah same here, I did a lot of mindfulness training and just constant awareness, i also had to dismantle a lot of my preconceived beliefs. that took a long time to work through.

I know it may sound boring but I had to pretty much throw away 99.9% of beliefs in ‘‘supernatural’’ or paranormal or whatever word you choose that revolves around similar ideas. that was the simplest way to eradicate those beliefs. honestly i have no idea how i was able to get myself to do that.

one of my toughest beliefs to get rid of was that a ‘god’ or ‘alien’ couldn’t speak to me through my head through a transmission. the voices occasionally still try. but one day after a number of days when i was on lovely psychosis adventure when the finale came to a head they admitted that they were just my brain and that they ■■■■■■ me over.

from numerous experiences with voices trying to tell me the latest idea or whatever that was the next big thing or so secret… i learned pretty much what happens in my own personal experience is that whatever i have been previously reading about or learning , at some point weeks or even months later if voices briefly come back its really my own self relaying a bunch of info to me in the form of voices.

i really have no problem with it anymore. it can be a nusance but nothing i cant handle anymore.



Moi, also.

All I know is that I just kept at it, one workbook after another. The I started using almost every book I read as a triggering device to use the skills I had picked up from those therapies (whether they were “workbooks” or not).

Likewise here.

Oooooo. Wow. This is hip.

Really ■■■■■■■ hip.


Terrific stuff!

What specific therapies did you get into? And how? One on one? Groups? Video or online instruction? Workbooks? 12 Steps? Other?


I can relate to this, also made the voices admit they were schizophrenia. Though it makes no sense on modern accounts of delusion, for its truth, I think this new belief still functioned as a delusion does (Jaspers could agree with me here).

What were the effects of this change in perspective on (behalf of?) the voices for you? Was it a relief? When in the midst of psychosis, with emotions being exaggerated etc., for me, it was quite the frightening experience to have this switch in belief. The whole constellation in which the psychotic experiences take place changes, it takes time to adjust to the new perspective for me. It was like stepping out or front door and finding an entirely different place there than there used to be. Even though it was what I was arguing for with the voices for so long, when it finally set in, and I could not only think this was schizophrenia but also ‘feel’ or ‘perceive’ it as such with the voices sharing this belief, there was a frightening feeling of being entirely alone and on my own. It is a funny thing, the good cop bad cop game my voices played out seemed to have made me hope that one day, they’d switch to good. You could also perceive something like a stochkholm-syndrome here.

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It was a variety, I did this on my own and with the help of my parents specifically my dad, he is a very logical person. I would just bounce of ideas on him and see what his thoughts were and then id read more, I read about CBT, ACT , I read a lot about beliefs and how they are formed from childhood. I read as much as I could about bipolar moods from various websites and forums.

Also have read alot about neurolynguistic programming ,
how culture can program you, or your upbringing. all sorts. - learning about all of this helped with dismantling what happened in psychosis episodes.

i learned how a pre conceived belief - aka a delusional belief or borderline, can bring out hallucinations related to that delusion in person that has a mental illness such as sz or any Mental illness that has psychosis involved

basically a metric ton of compiled readings and first hand trial and error.

I should mention dismantling my religious beliefs didn’t solve everything it only solved the religious delusions. The voices changed there angle later, and i was again tricked by thinking it was a voice of geniuses or from another planet giving me information on businesses and stuff and I again got messed up a few times.

the toughest/trickiest current symptom that comes and goes is grandiose thinking, it is really easy way to quickly burn through money. so one of my techniques is if I have a grandiose idea, to come back to that idea in 3 weeks and think about it again and see if the idea or ‘insert product or idea that involves money’ and weigh out whether it was really just and insane idea or actually decent.

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When i first realised the voices were just my brain being nuts. I had a meltdown, i just felt like crawling into a hole and never getting out.

this was because i happened to of burned through all my money and ended up at a casino of the voices choosing at 4am one night after a week long psychotic journey, (i am not a gambler, i never go to the casino)
i was supposed to win the amount of 7,777,777 million dollars from a specific slot machine of there choice. I put 5 dollars in . and nothing happens…

I just seem shocked and all of a sudden the voices are just yelling at me “you ■■■■■■■ idiot, dont you get it!?!?! we are not God were not Satan were your ■■■■■■■ brain you moron. we ■■■■■■ you up big time kid” and so on .
COMMENCE MELTDOWN. that was a tough time… Im over it though.

I actually wrote out that episode because my dad told me I could write a novel on it one day, its kind of like an adventure/fantasy in a sense.


There is often a sort of plausibility to my hallucinations. For instance, I’ll be sitting in a restaurant hearing teen age girls talking about me, and it is plausible girls of this age would talk about me, but I’ll be the only person in the place. I hear some things that are out of the ordinary, but I’ll still think they’re real, even though that is highly unlikely. There are a number of things I’ve heard that I really don’t know if they were real or not. They were pertinent to my situation. Some of the things I’ve heard are undoubtedly hallucinations.

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