Do you tip

I always tip, even when getting carryout. At the very least, it’s good for the ole karma haha


Eh. If the tip is huge, the waitress might think you are trying to hit on her or something; but, if you aren’t flirtatious, I’m pretty sure they figure out quickly that you aren’t doing that.

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I tip either if its bad or good service, of course on a sliding scale, but for me tipping is just common decency. Always 15% or more.


Waiting tables is a high stress job for a lot of guys, including me. It’s probably not easy for females, but I still think they are more naturally adapted to it. But there is that old argument for why men needed to be paid more than women - it said that because men had to support families they should get paid more.That isn’t so much the case anymore. There are a lot of single mothers out there raising kids on their own. Personally, I found hauling hay easier than fast food. Those kinds of jobs stress me out. I tried washing dishes when I was on Haldol, and it didn’t work out.


If I order delivery and don’t tip it will sit unclaimed for 40 minutes getting cold. You have to tip in that case, or a sit down restaurant. Never ever ever tip for fast food eating in, drive through, or carry out.

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From a different perspective. As an employee, tips feel good but they werent necessary imo.

I’ve worked about 5 years in a restaurant in total.

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Yeah, like the cooks who often rarely or barely share in the tips while the waiting staff pocket most of it.

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In the uk a lot of restaurants include a service charge already with the order … so there’s usually no requirement to tip.

I tip the people that change the oil on my car.
I bartended for a bit and decided that those type of services deserved a tip much more than me pouring you a dirty hooker shot :crazy_face::sweat_smile:

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