Do you think your mind can stop bad things happening?

Do you think your mind can stop bad things happening? What if you’d just let it go and let anything happen that is suppose to happen?

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I go through phases where I think I can control things with my mind. For me, it’s scary because I always regret what I think I’ve done in my mind, as if it’s witchcraft

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No, bit I feel like if I think of bad things, they will happen. Even meds haven’t touched that so Imnot sure if it is a delusion or just superstition.

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Well hello, this is exactly the case in my case too. I think it’s not my duty anyways.

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By the way, in a dualismic place as this planet is, bad things happen anyway all the time.

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I think there’s a thin line between letting things go and just being lazy and careless.

But in the thinking it should not be a problem I think.

I can give my mind a hard time about what it chooses to think. Ask yourself critically, “Where is your mind?” You can change it.

In a mental prison. If I change it, then it’s comeback is almost 100% guaranteed.

Used to, but I’m recovering from that. I used to believe that if I thought hard enough, I would get what I want.

What I do believe, however, is that I can control whether or not I’m negative or positive that day by thinking positive thoughts. This has been a large part of my therapy.

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There’s nothing wrong with repeating yourself mentally. Don’t try just once or twice.

Repeating stuff is ok, but I have another problem i.e. half of my mind is judged, the other half blessed, - while both sides should be both, judged and blessed. And I should be the one directing this traffic.

Who stops you from directing your own traffic?

My Sz obviously. It’s like the natural experiencing is a bit broken.

That is what we szs have to fight.

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Yup. I have a sense that we will get some kind of a fix at some point.

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