Do you think you understand the shooter yet(Florida shooting)

Do you think you understand why the young man did this? Why did he do it?

The politicians and the media are saying he was mentally ill.
I beg to differ.
The guy is most likely a psychopath.

He has a history of harming animals.

It could also be a neurological issue.


This is terrible and heartbreaking :sob: so sad!

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I was just reading an article about him and apparently the FBI tracked a comment made by him on youtube.

This is scary! Nothing is ever hidden on the internet!

And of course everyone is saying he is mentally ill.

That’s because we are scapegoats!
Everyone’s Boogieman.


Well, he ain’t mentally healthy, that’s for sure…

Does he have a diagnosable mental illness that would explain this? I don’t think we know, but psychopathy seems likely.


Yeah the FBI did take notice of the comment but apparently couldn’t pin it on him til after the fact.

I think he even used his own name (but of course anyone can use any name.)

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No I can’t figure this guy out because I can’t read his mind and neither can the media. Even if I could I probably still couldn’t figure him out because I can’t honestly figure out what’s going on with my own mind.

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Idk but u know whats gonna happen. They’re gonna blame it on the mentally ill and poor people.


I didn’t try. I barely even noticed it happened at all.


for some reason i’m not surprised. it was bound to happen somewhere in the us. in highs chool there were always plenty of people with mental illness. being skeptical of the mental health system in this country, i believe many of these people wouldn’t have fit neatly into dsm diagnoses. they were just different, i was one of them and have been since birth.

i believe mental illness is currently very poorly understood and rarely cured or even effectively treated.

our culture in this country puts too much emphasis on every man for himself. these kids dont know where to go to when dealing with stresses like death of family members and bullying. add on mental illness and access to weapons you have a formula for disaster.


I think they should tighten gun control, been saying it for years… no-one ever listens :confused:


This is sad. USA has such strange gun laws. I winder why they havnt changed them yet


The NRA has the Republicans by the balls. They donate millions to political campaigns every year to keep laws in their favor.

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its just going to keep happening unless they do something about it

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Also I’m sure racism and wanting to kill everyone with the guns has something to do with it.

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How old are u my friend

This is what gets me. Most of the mass shootings lately have been done with the AR-15. That gun was made to kill PEOPLE. You don’t hunt animals with a machine gun. It’s meant to kill people quickly. A lot of them. So why are they so easy to get?

Racist bigots are usually the ones committing these crimes.


They also vote right wing. So it’s all connected. They all get what they want.

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