Maine shooting suspect found dead

Apparently of a self inflicted gunshot wound in a recycling plant he used to work at.


What a scum bag. R.I.P to the people he killed.


I won’t comment politically but if you think that it’s cool to have automatic weapons in your country in case you need to rebel against the government then I think your idea of democracy is fatally flawed.


Not everybody here is for making it so easy to get a gun and many are against automatic weapons. It’s just the NRA and other pro-gun factions are so powerful in this country. Yes, the right to bear arms is ingrained into our society and I can’t ever see millions of people giving up their guns here but there are still politicians who fight for gun control.


I won’t talk guns, but I will say that all of those poor people whose lives were ended too soon and all of the loved ones they left behind have my tears and sorrow for what happened.


Coward took the easy way out. He deserved to suffer as much as the families of the people he killed and then some. Scum of the earth.


It’s a very strange thing this kill as many people you can and top yourself afterwards culture. I don’t get it.

I don’t understand going on a shooting rampage either. I’m surprised at how rampant these shootings are too.

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We’ve had 565 mass shootings this year alone. A mass shooting is defined as 3 people killed or more.


That’s crazy @77nick77. I remember talking with my husband and kids in the spring. At that time, the news said there were more shootings than there were days gone by in the year. So, I knew it was a lot. I didn’t know it was 600 now. :flushed:

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Fking Sociopaths! 15544

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So basically he killed a bunch of people and decided to not face the punishment hopefully there’s a thing called hell and he burns and rots there

If here in Canada that happened there would be major change in laws regarding guns in America nobody seems to care it’s insane

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Hey all. Just a reminder that political talk will get this thread closed. If you want to keep discussing the event, steer clear of talking about gun control laws.


Does this kind of thing make anyone else cry? Just the whole situation from the people gone to the families that lost so much?


Yeah it does and I’m a man however stuff like this I gotta stop for awhile and learn more because I don’t like crying

I’m an ugly crier, but I’ll gladly shed tears for them. I think my hubby has more of your mindset on crying.

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I don’t watch movies at all because I’m a very emotional person don’t ask me why I get so emotional lol I know when to stop tho

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What a total scumbag. May people he murdered rest in peace. I hate hearing news like this because this marks 1 yr since the tragedy at Itaewon in Korea which was a massive stampede that murdered 150 people. Wtf this world is just a sh*thole with all these tragedies. May they rest in heaven.

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