Do you think the rare hospitalization is actually good for us?

we can get away from life briefly and be cared for and focus on ourselves for a week or less or more. im doing good now, but just 2 or 3 weeks ago, i could have potentially used a hospitalization as i was having suicidal thoughts. i decided to not go in and just wait it out and see if things got better, which they did. but now im thinking maybe a rare hospital stay could be good for me to re-center myself so to speak. i haven’t been in a hospital for 4 going on 5 years now. which is my longest since being diagnosed, but next time i won’t be so proud to not go in just because i don’t want to break my streak or something silly like that.

what do you think?


I don’t think hospitalization is a good idea, staff, other patients, food choices, boredom. I would rather stay home in the comfort of my room.


I also think that even a periodic admission is not advisable. The other patients there, the staff, the threat of force, - yeah, not a good mix. Is hospitalization necessary in certain cases? Yes. But I also think there needs to be a higher burden of requirements for admission than what we have now. For example, every time myself or another patient challenged the 3-day rule, we got extended out indefinitely. It very much seemed like retaliation for bucking back and saying we don’t need to be hospitalized. All this despite the “patient care advocate” who was there to present the illusion of a fair system. It’s draconian, actually.


Do you have access to any sort of day treatment program? What did you like to do when you’re in the hospital? Are you social or do you just hide in your room until you go home?

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I was hospitalized for unrelated reasons before sz. It was related to military examination. I was evaluated by a psychiatrist. They failed to predict or do anything at all with my mental disorder, despite it being part of the purpose of hospitalization. That is on top of frustrations and Inconvenience of isolation. I am skeptical about hospitalisation. I might not be able to function in a society, but I doubt their bunch can help me either. I would not consider hospitalization for anyone but violently aggressive or completely helpless


well i’ve always been the type to stay in my room and only come out for meals. except for my first hospitalization where i was more social. most of my hospital stays were involuntary, but i’ve changed since then, if i went back to the hospital today i would get with the program and participate in groups. but im not going to stay in the common area if im subjected to judge judy or superhero movies all day lol, like in the past.

I’m 60 years old, My last hospitalization was 5 years ago. I don’t feel I need regular visits.

The place was rather frightening and not very therapeutic. It was not very safe. I was only in there a day and didn’t really connect with anyone.

I had not been hospitalized for 25 years before this last one. The males all slept in one big room and I went to sleep on my cot with the sound of people mumbling and talking to themselves and woke up in the middle of the night to the sounds of a homeless man flipping out and screaming at the top of his lungs about 5 feet from me. It took 4 burly nurses a little while to subdue him and lead him off to the isolation room where I heard him screaming and howling for another hour until I fell back to sleep.
I didn’t get much help in there.


If you need the hospitalization to get stable again, yes. If you’re using it to socialize, no.


I wouldn’t want to go back to hospital for inpatient… I’ll be back at zero again in the society

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I feel if I have to go back to the hospital in say ten years from now it’s okay. I just got out and it was a lot of toil, definitely not a break from life. In the past it was easy living. Man, how that has changed. It’s purgatory now and I truly don’t want to go back. But if I have to one day I will, maybe ask them if I can just have a two day stay. It’s okay if you are really serious all the time about killing yourself, after all if I lived fifty years ago I’d be a permanent resident! And hospitals really only want critical cases, they don’t want you, even if you have destructive impulses at times, it can be avoided.

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Depends greatly on the hospital.
The one I usually got admitted to was very new and pretty good. Sibgle rooms with their own bathrooms, buffets 3x a day, you could have phones and computers, buy cigarettes and soda, and smoke all you wanted in the yard.
If you were a suicide risk, you needed permission from the nurses to use a lighter, and couldn’t keep cords or chargers in your room.

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Sounds like you could benefit from a PHP or IOP type program.

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Fk hospitalizations and hospitals, they suck ass.
My neighbors saw the cops holding me and bringing me to mental hospital, some were my friends too!


Funnily my friend, who is my neighbor, asked me how good it feels to be held and brought by cops lol He told me I should feel important lol Idk if he was joking lmao


I still dont understand why they sent 2 police cars and 4 cops to my house to calm me and to bring me to mental hospital. I felt like a mafia boss lol


I thought you threatened your brother with a knife?

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I thought he was stealing my life energy telepathically.

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Well, I used to watch “Cops” and sometimes I will watch clips on YouTube of cops arresting someone who fights back. I always used to wonder why 4 or 5 cops would gang up and pile on some guy to arrest him.

Well cops have to stay safe. It’s hard often for just two cops to tackle and subdue someone who they don’t his history, they don’t know if the guy is drunk or on drugs and they don’t know if he has a weapon or not. So cops are just trying to be safe and survive and go home to their
families at the end of the day.

In your case all they know was someone was getting violent… They didn’t know your history, they didn’t know if you had a weapon or were high and all they know is they’re going in some strangers house who is violent and may have a history of violence.

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Now I know that its the sz that did this.

Hospital stays are expensive for me. I’m still paying for being hospitalized in December 2019. All the other patients were nice, and I could relate to them and their situations. But too much money wasted, I believe. I wasn’t even violent or suicidal, I was just verbally argumentative. I had stopped taking my meds though.