Did hospitalise your self or not?

a very private question but I have to ask…
when you got into hospital (psy) was it because they forced you to go? or you have decided to go on your own?
and when you go by yourself.
what needs to happen for you to decide to go there?


I haven’t been in hospital
during these 4 years of sz.
I suffered alone in my house.
I don’t intend to go soon.
Except if others make me go.


I was forced. 151515


I stay at home to. hospitals are so grouse

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yea…me too. 3 years all together :sleepy:
I just want to know which reasons people have to go to hospital, with force or without

Yes. 1515151515151515

3 year is along time. I was kept in a month. But then I lived in a home for people with mental illness for 3 years. After that I lived in supportive housing. Now I live independently

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“You’re paranoid or they’re after you.”

You can set up your own hospital at home.
Just wake up earlier,take meds,and listen music.


but why? did you made troubles?
I meant to ask, what are the reasons to go hospitalize?
I ask it fore my self,

In the USA they will only take you if you are a danger to yourself or others

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that will never work. I hate meds. after tow days of sudation I will throw them once more

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even if you want to hospitalize your self?

Yep… I tried once when hallucinogens were bad but I wasn’t a danger to myself or others

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with all your mighty strength as America, this is lame…sorry, but in Israel it’s better, they give like “a day word” without sleeping, but sz usually get whatever they need…
and no one wants a night word, that is hell.

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Yeah the USA sucks in that aspect but once hospitalized they are nice ish

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oh…and with us they are less nice, mostly because they are tiered. to many patience with too few nurses…

Trigger Warning

@ola I admitted myself. But even after a suicide attempt, they turned me away. I had to get my sister to come with me the second time, and they finally let me in.

Having a family member or friend there to help you navigate the process, is a good thing anyway

The very best of luck, whatever you decide


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I was force too, by the cops. It suck. I didnt want to go.

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private for-profit hospitals will try to hospitalize you whether you need it or not if they can get money out of your insurance company