Do you think supplements are worth taking?

Do you think supplements are worth taking especially if you have a mental illness?

I used to take supplements and multi-vitamins but I didn’t notice any difference so I stopped talking them.

I just want to hear people’s opinions and experiences about supplements.


Just because you don’t feel different doesn’t mean they don’t help. If you’re not getting all your nutrients in your diet a multivitamin is a good idea.


i take vitamin d supplement when i need it. Was on it once a week for a while but now my vitamin d is better again and now once a month.


It is so easy for your mind to play tricks on you when you’re taking a supplement. You want it to work, so you’re more likely to believe it works. One thing I’ve been doing is drinking green tea. Green tea is what they derive L-theanine from. I think it really does give me a feeling of well being, and it is so much cheaper than the supplement form.


I take magnesium with vitamin b and d. It helps against sore muscles.

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I tried one, and it seemed to help, but I don’t know the science and I didn’t want to risk any ill consequences so I stopped. Thats the rub.

I drink green tea too! Love it! I’ve tried l-theanine supplements too,I prefer the tea.


I’ve taken lots of L-Theanine supplements but I never felt any different. I didn’t feel any different when I used to drink tea either.

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I find the tea makes me feel a little better, its subtle but its there. I drink quite a bit throughout the day. I drink it throughout the day and it makes me feel relaxed but awake, much different than coffee and caffeine though.

This website has a thread about how l-theanine is good for schizophrenics and sleep, I don’t find it helpful for sleep at all. I took 200mg before bed and didn’t sleep at all.

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For supplements to be effective, first you need to make sure that they are NATURAL SOURCE

For example, ascorbic acid, vitamin C has been produced in a purely chemical form. Your body doesn’t like this, so absorbs very little of it. If you’re interested, look up the wide variety of benefits of something as simple as Vitamin C.

One of the big benefits is that is it is an antioxidant agent. It eliminates free radicals from your bloodstream, making you less susceptible to a range of disease, including cancer

I don’t feel any different taking it every day, but logic says that there is a benefit to my health


I’ve heard that too, that natural is preferred by the body. I also heard that if you take unnatural form with food it does absorb a little better though.

Maybe that is why I have better results with green tea than l-theanine supplements. Plus green tea has a bunch of healthy stuff it in.

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Okay, I had never heard that about it absorbing more with food. Thanks

I might try green tea, it sounds promising

Green/Black/White tea are all from the same plant.

White tea is harvested early on. Green tea and black tea I think are harvested at the same time, green tea is natural and black tea is when the leaves are allowed to oxidize.

White is the healthiest apparently, although I have never tried it.

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I’m drinking green tea with lemon and sweetner right now. I love this stuff. 2nd cup today.

Now that I think about, I am going to buy some white tea and try it.


Okay, that’s kind of cool. I never realized they were the same plant. I might ask my sister to help me track down some white tea. She’s heavily into health


I take a lot of supplements, but I am educated as a healthshop worker so I know a lot about the do’s and dont’s.

It help me a lot to supplement. If I didn’t take them I would not be able to work part time and I would be in a bad way in general.

I can’t say I really feel a difference with all supplements from day to day, like vitamins and minerals but I am staying healthy and in a good mood, and I am pretty sure it’s the supplements. Maybe the difference is very subtle, or it’s simply things like waking up and feeling well and energized.

Some supplements like for example niacin, vitamin d and valerian root I can actually feel make a positive difference with my psyche. Calming mental activity and stopping intrusive thoughs.

Many people write off natural medicine, but actually about 25% of all orthodox medicines that are produced are from herbs or plants, and in china TCM(traditional chinese medicine) is still the main body of healthcare after 5000 years practice.

If you try supplements make sure to buy from a reputable dealer so you actually get what you are buying.

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Supplements are awesome.

Just make sure you check for interactions before you take 'em.

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Yeah, I have been down that road too. Trying a lot of supplements for sleep, but not many that work. I think the main problem here is that I have been on drugs so long that my brains functionality and structure has changed. I read a article that the brain actually changes when on psych drugs. For example by producing very little dopamine and serotonin. Inhibiting gaba. Etceteta. And people who actually do manage to get off drugs often report it takes many months or even over a year before their brain goes back to normal.

A lot of stuff that works on a normal brain doesen’t work on a medicated brain.

I don’t know about the l-theanine study, but if they only tested it on recently diagnosed and recently medicated people it’s not representative.

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I took these for a few months, but to be honest, I went on a pill dropping journey and they didn’t make the cut I’m afraid!

Ive tried valeriana,lteanin,passionflower for sleep.
Magnesium for restless legs.