Do you think sex and relationships are overrated?

I read all these things online that say when you are in a relationship (sexually) you’re often more happy. All my friends keep asking me ‘when are you going to get married? Or meet someone?’

It’s just bizarre to me because I haven’t had any relationship or sexual encounter in quite some time and I am starting to wonder if there’s something wrong with me. :confused:

I really want to meet someone, and make them happy, but I guess only time will tell with these things.

But back to my title of my thread - I just thought I would get a general consensus because this topic comes up a lot on the board.

Thank you for reading :v:


What comes up a lot on the boards?


I must have missed it.

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Sex, maybe, may be!!! Not sure about that but relationship is underrated😊

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that say when you are in a relationship (sexually) you’re often more happy.

#Ha Ha Ha Ha

Sorry, but if I was drinking something, it would be coming out my nose as I laugh now.

I’ve had tons of relationships, and they were nothing but work in the end.


I want a relationship + sex.
but I’m too poor + scared.

lol lol new poem incoming

LOL @everhopeful could this be inspiration for a new poem?


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My apologies maybe it’s my illness that sees this pattern and not the “ultimate reality.”

Can we take one second and just admire the fox i drew ?


Pretty! I like it :smiley:

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Yeah but what is worst???

That actually made me laugh out loud. But I like the fox, it’s very good.

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Being alone beats being in an energy draining relationship. Of that I’m sure. Especially if you don’t have much energy in the first place.


Seriously?? Alone is not worst???

I have a lot of energy i guess :fire:

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But people from economically disadvantaged positions meet up and even have children all the time.

And if you’re scared just practice your confidence skills in the mirror. Learn to make a lady laugh and learn to cook at least a few meals.

Best of luck @sirBoring

I wouldn’t really know, but I think that some relationships are amazing while others are amazingly awful. I heard that half of marriages end in divorce. I can’t speak for sex though, 26 years old and never had it.


Just do what you do and maybe it’ll just happen one day.

A lot of the culture kind of puts too much pressure on finding someone right away. I’d rather it be something that “happens” at the right time and place.

Maybe it’s foolish to most, but it’s better than feeling the relative sting of feeling alone because of it, imo.


No that’s not foolish, I say that’s a very insightful philosophy to have @Genbu

Thank you :v:

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The fox is beautiful and understandable but leaves are masterpiece😍


Alone is better than being in a bad relationship, definitely.

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straight people aren’t attracted to me. I don’t want to go to jail.

but thanks for the encouragement.