It costs me £700 a month for my house, bills and food. I worked out that I am going to be losing money every month just keeping my car going to get to college. Its more than unfair.
You can study and get disability at the same time? Here you can’t.
You can study part time which is what I am doing.
Do you have free healthcare like here in Canada?
Yes I live in the UK.
Here in Croatia you are happy if you get 200 pounds a month. Consider your self Lucky.
Im on universal credit on 409 quid but I guess my situation is different… it might be worth applying for a freedom pass if you live in London ?
It wasn’t like this here 15 years ago when I was getting diagnosed. The government is getting harder and harder on the disabled and have been forcing them to work. The way I see it is if you don’t have extra expenses incurred because of your illness, you will struggle to buy things like clothes and internet and they will put you into the category of forcing you into work, whether you are capable or not.
I think I get the same as you, it is I just i get housing benefits on top to keep up with rent. Paying water, gas electricity and council tax on top of that is a bit of a nightmare though.
Here too disability gets you 800$/month.
Can you work part time if you don’t have serious negative symptoms?
No, I considered it, but I need to focus on college at the moment. Luckily I have a bit of money saved up so I think I have a chance of just getting by until uni.
Yeah I’d struggle with that amount if I lived away from home… I mean rent itself is pretty expensive
I do suggest trying to find out about the freedom pass though even if you don’t end up using it all the time, you’d save so much even if you used it every now and then… not sure about rules but its worth checking…
I think I can get subsidies on my travel to college, so I might be ok there.
You should be able to get A free buss pass
Ask your care coordinator!
I think freedom pass is just in London and Brighton @anon80629714 but it’s worth checking @anon98459728
I get £1510 a month inc PIP , with £399 of that being for rent.
I am on Universal Credit at the moment, and I filled out a UC50 which is to get more funds if you cannot work to the same level as other people.
Notified Uni Cred that I was earning, and they withdrew the claim.
Phoned them up to find out what was going on and they said because I was working they’d cancelled it.
I went mental at them and told them I have to earn money because they wouldn’t help me with my Mortgage or Service charges at my flat for 9 months. Sent the form back off again so will see what happens.
These people have no concept of reality and these ■■■■■ say I am the one who is Schizophrenic ? Come-on.
Make sure you make them aware of your diagnosis (s) as you will be entitled to more support. Not sure what colleges do, but Unis have a lot of help in place