I have made them aware, but I don’t think they will give me any special help. It doesn’t bother me though really, I don’t have sz symptoms anymore.
That might change. I hope it doesn’t, but you will need to make sure if you can have something in place even if it’s just a back up.
When I went to uni in 2010, they had no services, and I was psychotic for the second half of my degree.
The stress can get to you in different ways, so watch out for it.
Don’t want to put you off - studying was the best decision I ever made. It was just a bit stressful as I was a bit of a loner, and my brain decided to mess with me during a really important part of my life.
I guess you’re going into it with a recovered state, so you should be fine
Wish you luck with it
Could you apply to some kind of student loan? Maybe you could talk to your college admin and ask if there are any programs available to help you.
Well i remember, when i was in uk, already diagnosed i did study full time, I also worked for 36hours a week and paid for rent and food by myself. Study part time and work part time looks easy for me. I also did not claim any allowences
No, I checked, they don’t have anything like that.
I can remember the lecturer saying about not working and finding it easier. I want to get the best grades I can get to get into the best uni I can get. So if I give myself more time to study and recuperate then it is probably the best decision to do that.
Have you already considered getting student maintenance loan? I didnt get it because i am a foreigner. It should pay enough you to sustain yourself
No, I have seen that, it is for full time students. I don’t do debt anyway.
I had checked the uc50 form but says if you claim after 2017, then it won’t work…
Holy cow you get a lot. I only get £520 pm Employment support allowance and my rent goes directly to the housing association from the council.
Some people get nothing.
I get a hundred per week. So 400 per month.
UK aswell
With UC you to have make sure the amount given for rent goes to the council/housing association/private landlord . That can be problematic for some people. Mine was UC + PIP + £120 a month for this -
It’s wildly different in different parts of the US because housing costs are different.
In many places here, you can work full time ( I guess 32+ hrs a week) on minimum wage and not afford cheap housing.
I don’t know how bad it gets for SSI.
But where I live housing is cheap and so is basic transportation to places only in the city itself.
I will do ok despite owing a facility money that screwed me.
BTW in your opinion, does your country’s stigma fighting campaigns accomplish much? I’m impressed they do anything. No one cares how much the mentally ill are hated here.
I have had a lot of decent friends and have been treated pretty well by people. I don’t get treated the same but it has never held me back. I think paranoia plays a lot into it. People treat each other pretty badly whether you have sz or not.
I agree with reducing benefits because of studies. I think there also needs to be rehabilitation programs that include approved educations that are likely to lead to a job, if that is considered the best way to help that person regain employment. But generally, yes, I think reducing benefits when someone starts studying is fair. It should be considered equivalent to starting to work.
If I didn’t have the money I saved up, I would be homeless within weeks. Luckily I am going uni in a year, where I would receive more money. If I had to find a job I would end up on the streets. I only have 8 months work experience because of not being able to work due to how much I used to sleep. People that can not work should not be put in the same category as benefit scroungers.
And you think this will help you get a job that you can actually do? Because I think it’s only logical to have welfare systems that help people get educations if that is the best way to help them get jobs and take care of themselves.
People on the streets don’t have a chance of finding work compared to people that have homes.