Do you think about death?

I’m just realizing that I am now 60 years old and I have to start thinking about death. My dad died at age 73 and my mom died unexpectedly at age 79. So, I’m probably not going to last more than 20 more years. The last 15 years just whizzed by so fast that I can’t believe it. I want to be very careful who I choose to hang around with over the next 20 years and be careful of what I choose to do as well. This business of sitting around day after day is not going to cut it.


At 54 years of age, I figure I might have another 10-15 years to go…what with the junk they are injecting me every 3 weeks.

An Sz’s life span ain’t that generous. But I’ve had a good life…no complaints.


yes I do think about death. it is scary when things are not known and you have trauma from hell psychosis.

it drives me to try and find my own beliefs about death ones that I can resonate with


I’ll be 56 in June, I don’t have a lot of time left.
Hopefully it won’t be a drawn out agonizing death.

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i think about death sometimes. im already thinking about my funeral arrangements.

Yeah, I think about it on a daily basis :guide_dog::guide_dog::guide_dog:

I’m 51 and tired, i think of letting go everyday, even i have a life, i like to hate and the other way around,

I think i will be hanging around just to se what happens. I am very curious.

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I guess so.

I’m only 17, but I think about my death quite a bit, though not as much as thinking about my family’s death. I still plan on having a good, full life, but I know it’ll definitely be a journey.

Here lately, almost everyday, fear of hell

I think about death periodically. I like to look at it in a not so grim perspective. Yes, the thought of what’s going to happen is a little anxiety producing. But I tend to look at it as “out with the old, in with the new.” As in, when it’s my time then it’s my time. Nothing can change that. Hopefully I can make the most of my time here and be satisfied with it. And that even though I will no longer be here, there will be a fresh group of individuals who will hopefully make this world a better place than it was when I left.

I have an obsession with death. I’m always day-dreaming about my last days. Not helpful, but it’s what my brain does. Never ever thought I’d make it this far.

I’m terrified I’m going to die at any moment. I’m 52.

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I love death, I will go to heaven, no more schizophrenia.


I think about death sometimes. My rare disease might have a cardiac involvement so I may die earlier than everyone on this forum, or either from breathing issues. It depends on how fast I progress.

But no matter what happens, I’ll still be here until my life runs out :slight_smile:

I want to die soonish so I don’t have to worry about homelessness

You’re not alone. I might have a heart attack anyday. I am obese BMI 43 and 30 y.o. and was diagnosed with high blood pressure and high cholesterol last year because I stay in bed all day, no work or exercise. I am taking meds for high blood pressure and high cholesterol, dr said I am developing diabetes too and gave me diabetes meds.

I am in bed 24/7 except when eating, bathroom and playing twice a week video games. I gained 150lb in a couple of years.

Death bothers me. But I fear losing loved ones more than personally dying.

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I constantly think about death

If I weren’t still learning a lot about life, I’d be more interested in death. But at 75, I find learning is still exciting to me and opportunities are still present. I’m not ready to die yet. I think more about death when I am sad anyway.

I’m 26 and I think about death a lot. I don’t have any plans on leaving, but I worry about if I’ll make it into heaven or not.

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