Since i am taking medication i don’t dream anymore. And my memory is almost non-existent of my past . I know thinks happen in the past but i don’t remember the things anymore, only vague
I don’t dream nearly as much as I use too now that I am on antipsychotics. I dream occasionally and have wet dreams way less than I used too, but I consider that a good thing, I hate waking up with messy pajamas, lol
My memory isn’t as good as it used to be either, but that could be a schizophrenia/medication/age combo thing. I remember stuff from the past but remembering new things sometimes takes a little repetition, like at work we have these hand held devices, and you have to enter certain information as you work and I would forget sometimes, it took me a week or two to really get it down pat, each bit of information has a corresponding code number. I also had to memorize my employee ID number, that took me a week to do.
I have vivid dreams
Yes. They usually end up turning bad unfortunately.
does this wake you up at night
I dream very rarely in my sleep. It’s the dreaming I do when I’m awake, that concerns me
my favourite coping mechanism
I dream every night. When I have a nightmare it upsets me. If I have a good dream, I’m happy.
I interestingly have a lot of lucid dreams ever since I started taking antipsychotics. It used to be occasional for me but ever since I’ve started taking medication I keep having them almost every night!
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That’s interesting. I have always found lucid dreams very peaceful
Welcome, @TotallyFreakingNuts !
I dream, but don’t usually remember much from my dreams. Persecution dreams, dreams of traveling, dreams of playing music if I’ve had a day of working on music, recurring dreams of being arrested
I still have dreams, but they’re just hard to remember or they’re incredibly mundane. I don’t get as many interesting dreams anymore unfortunately.
I stopped dreaming after getting sick. Thought it was the schizophrenic in me but it was sleep apnea. Use a CPAP machine now and dream again. Get a sleep study done.
I have crazy nightmares of being in a speeding car with no brakes. I wake up confused and my heart racing. I experience this several times a week.
Otherwise I have mellow dreams but don’t remember much when I wake up.
I started taking Caplyta and I have dreams almost every night since. Some are nightmares. Not sure how I feel about them. Caplyta is working well so far, just getting used to having dreams.
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