Do you still French kiss? And either way, how old are you?

I love French kissing feels so nice mmmm

I don’t like peck kissing either. If I am giving one of those I feel sad after.


Why do u feel sad from a chicken peck?

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I don’t know. I assume because it feels ingenuine or rushed but I really don’t know.

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Would u prefer a kiss on the lips lol

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yes. And a big hug.


May i ask why u chose that name for you profile if you a girl lol

Just curious

Its a boy I see. I used to think he was evil because he showed me gruesome things…now I think hes the child I aborted when I was 18. I always thought he was a boy, anyway…yes hes a boy I see

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I don’t like french german, american, italian, arabic nor chinese kissing… :slight_smile:

Plus whats wrong with typicals? For many people they work better than the new ones…


The typicals make me feel really, really bad. Also, they completely destroy my creativity.

When I was drunk I did french kissing once. It was good. I cant actually remember if it was french kissing per se but I liked it.

I’ve done it in the past.
Kind of gross if you ask me.


Yep, I love kissing!! I’d kiss everyone if they let me!! I’m 36.

Yes, but without being sloppy or with too much tongue. I enjoy it very much. It is a good warm up or nice way to tell him how much I’ve missed him while he was at work.

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i’m 58 so am not kissing anymore but when i was in love i loved french kissing.

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