Do you start to get paranoid or hear more voices if you don't sleep or sleep less?

I find it keeps me from having bad days due to lack of sleep. Some of the prescription pills make you more refreshed in the AM,easier to get out of bed. I highly recommend them. I also have trouble sleeping when I have something planned out of the ordinary the next day.

Out of the ordinary…like a hot chick to take on a date, huh? Hahaha or is it something ordinary for you? I dunno, just trying to make a joke.

Nope been married 16 years nothing new here. Something like a doctor’s appointment. Or a project I have to get up early to work on.

Hi i can reccomend you something you can try

I get uber paranoid and all my hallucinations play up if I get prolonged periods of little sleep. More than two days and I am all over the place. More than 4 days and I usually require hospitalisation.

I had extreme insomnia with latuda when I tried it. Ended up in the ER. I was able to get some sleep (med adjustment) before my symptoms got really bad but I felt AWFUL! No compassion from pdoc either. F’ing douche bag. No respect for that guy. My tdoc felt terrible for me. Quality sleep is essential to people with MI

When my latuda was recently increased, I was wired! Didn’t sleep for two days. Luckily the doctor also then increased my chlorpromazine, so I was able to sleep again.

I sleep well now thanks to quetiapine. Going without sleep gives me symptoms fast.