Do you remember your "past lives"?

I think that I do. One example was actually a past life. And another was a vision of my future. I saw these visions while I was awake and in my late 20’s and 30’s. I’m 58 now.

For the past life, I was a Scandinavian woman with long, pale blonde hair done up in two braids. I was unmarried or widowed, I don’t know which. I saw myself as this woman. And she had five little, pale blonde haired kids all very young and all very red cheeked. I had a vision that this woman and her kids were all in a kitchen at a dining room table and eating.

I also saw my future, and I’m already living out this vision. I was a woman with dark hair and glasses, medium build, who was sitting on a sofa, by a lamp, reading a book. This fits me to a T today. In another part of this same vision, I was in a dark hospital room. I was lying in bed and I saw a nurses dark shadow in the doorway to my hospital room. In this vision, I knew I was dying. I don’t know if this means I am now close to death or not. Some of my past dreams and nightmares have actually come true.

How come everyone in their past lives are noblemen, or princesses or land owners…etc.

How come they are never the circus dude who shovels the elephant poop?


@PatrickT, in both my visions of my past life and my future life, I was an everyday person. Not royalty or high ranking at all.

For some reason I have the delusion that I have had past lives but I really have no recollection of them.

That’s really interesting. Personally i don’t believe in past lives. I think once you’re dead, that’s it. However, i wouldn’t mind being proven wrong when the time comes.


I believe in reincarnation.
Yes I’ve had past and future visions.

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You are Catholic who believes in reincarnation? Weird


I’m flat out remembering this one!

Seriously! Mental illness has made me move on. From philosophy, religion…it just becomes too much to process and that is my problem. I don’t mind being medicated. I’m so slowed down mentally I just don’t think of such things!

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