Do you need new glasses when they won't clean?

I clean my glasses with premoistened lens wipes, but they still have streaks. Do I need new glasses?

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Possibly. My glasses have a coating of some sort (i can’t remember what) and it’s starting to mess up so it’s like they’re always dirty. I’d like to get another pair eventually but they’re so expensive, even with insurance.

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I know. I don’t have any vision insurance. I was thinking of trying buying glasses online the next time. Have you ever done that?

When I had medical glasses I bought them online, way cheaper and I customized them, added UV and blue light filter, antiwater, etc it just cost 30-40$. Without those you can get them for 8-10$.

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Thanks Aziz. 151515

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I had to ask my ophtalmologist to write me a special prescription paper that allows me to enter values and buy glasses online.


No, these are my first glasses and i got them from a chain called Stanton Optical. I had no experience and they advertised cheap glasses but only had a few pairs for the advertised price and i didn’t like them. So i ended up getting a more expensive pair because i have some vision coverage. Even then, it was over 200$, so I’ve been really careful with them. I’d be interested in knowing how it works if you go the online route.

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Ok, I’ll let you know. I see the optometrist in July, but I wasn’t going to get new one unless these break or my prescription changes.

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There’s a really cheap place to get glasses online that is highly rated. I think @Ninjastar uses them.

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Thanks DearZombie.

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Here it is!


Remember the days when everything was really, really cheap online? And then, eventually, prices on every thing online went way up when everyone got on the online buying bandwagon? The same thing will happen with eyeglass prices I assure you.

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Notwith Zenni Optical. Theyve been around for years. Always low.


I’d have a back up in case your current glasses mess up. Are the lenses plastic or glass mike1?

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They are some kind of plastic. I got them at Walmart back when I had a car. Maybe two years ago.

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They’ll probably do an eye exam so you can update them.

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She didn’t change my prescription last July.

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Oh cool. :blush: 15151515

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My lenses are so scratched up and dirt gets in there which is nearly impossible to clean. I will get some from zenni soon

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