I’ve been on the keto diet and I noticed that I don’t poop as much as I did before. Could be that less food goes to waste in my body. Idk. I’m not looking just to lose weight but also to be healthy.
Unless you’re eating piles of veggies, the keto diet will be low on fiber.
Right. Fruits have fiber right? I need fruits I guess or Metamucil
No I poop OK, but if I eat only salmon all day, then my poop comes out black. I just thought I’d share that. Brighten your day a bit.
Or leafy greens. Or broccoli.
I hadn’t eaten kale since I was a little kid. Come to find out it’s yuuuuuuummmmyyy!
Like I said before, a Keto diet is downright dangerous.
It puts a lot of stress on the heart.
Just consume less processed carbs that’s all @Loke
Make sure you are consuming enough veggies and drinking enough water.
I also could not poop on keto diet. It was a tell tell sign that I should not do the keto diet.
Going at least once per day is kind of important as there are toxins in faeces that otherwise can irritate.
Not just irritate
But I think I remember that long term constipation can increase risk of bowel cancer.
It’s the lack of fibre which helps the bowel movements.
That’s also why exercise is good it helps bowel movements
Eat your fibre peeps
Psyllium husk supplements will help. You can get them as powder to stir into liquid (Metamucil) or as capsules (make SURE you drink water with those or they can cause bowel impaction).
Nuts are good for that on a keto/low-carb diet. High in fat to achieve ketosis, and also high in fiber, which both helps with constipation, but also low in net carbs.
Drink water! Water helps tremendously with bowel movements, and for anything, really. Caffeine can help, too, especially combined with lots of water, at least that’s been to my experience. Anyway, I hope this little bit of knowledge I’ve learned can help you.
That makes sense. I’ve got some Hamburger Helper. May eat a bit of that tonight. I would only be able to eat a cup of it though
@Wave. This sounds awful but I’m so addicted to food that I need something drastic. Even though I’m on this diet I still can’t stop eating even though I try. I am going to take your advice though and eat some pasta (1 cup) with dinner.
Just eat less portions and move around more.
Eliminating carbs from your diet is not sustainable.
Carbs are essential, they also help boost mood.
Keto diets will make you lose weight in the short run but It’s not a diet you want to be on for the long run.
Diets are not feasible in general.
Just cut out added sugars, eat smaller portions and cut down on breads, pasta and rice but you don’t need to eliminate them.
Also drink enough water everyday.
Good luck @Loke
Woops. I meant fibre stimulates bowel movements
Try making kale chips. They’re yummy and high in fiber. Try green veggies, fruit, and Metamucil. That should regulate you
I suffered from constipation when I was on LCHF diet. And my stool was like shitting bricks.
Constipation is a known issue with both the Atkins diet and the keto diet.
Thing is with carbs or sugar if I eat just one I’ll eat like a whole bag of cookies. I think I am addicted. A heroin addict can’t do heroin in moderation. I know sugar doesn’t compare to heroin but it’s an addiction nonetheless
I like seaweed chips.
Bowel movements naturally decrease on something like keto since there is not much to be thrown out.
Some peeps who struggle with chronic constipation and go keto find relief.
It is simple physics. What will colons struggle with bulk of fibers or more digestible meat/proteins/fats? You take an inch wide pipe and wonder what will move in and out of it easily? Something physically bulky or…
It never hurts to speak with professional if you are struggling. And keep dietician in loop. Adapting to keto takes time.
People find relief from psychological troubles as well once body goes into metabolic ketosis.