Do you love animals?

I have a huge soft-spot in my heart for domestic animals, cats, dogs etc.

I got my cat, Jimmy, from a shelter.

When they found my little baby gato he had these thorny things all over his stomach and was bleeding.

Poor baby!

My brother is the one who actually picked him out.

But adopting my Jimmy is the best decision I’ve ever made in my life. :blush: :heart:


Yes I love animals. I have an old lady corgi and a rat who is getting into old age, I think in rat years she’s nearing or in her 60’s. Unfortunately I’ve recently found a large mass on her belly near her hind leg. It is probably a tumor. However from the research I’ve done it seems like a benign and very common kind of tumor that can be easily removed & prevented from regrowing via spaying. I hope that’s the case. I’m taking her to the vet soon.

Corgi has not been doing well this year either, was basically on death’s door until we started her on steroids aka strong pain meds. They’re probably covering up a deeper underlying problem but we’re run a ton of tests and just can’t find anything. And my other rat died this year. It’s not been a good year for me and pets :disappointed:

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Yes I love animals. Grew up in a house surrounded by dogs cats budgies and goldfish. At the moment I have a dear budgie called Sparky. Would love a cat too but hubby not so eager for one. Can’t live for long without a pet in the house. :blush:


So sorry for your loss @noise.

So sorry @ Anna that your pets aren’t doing so well. Maybe you should get more. When my dog gets older, I am going to get another one so the loss isn’t so great.

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I have a male, yellow tabby cat that thinks he is a human being. I spoil him rotten. I also have a pitiful little female cat who is calico and has long hair. She is nothing but skin and bones, but I can’t get her to eat like she should. I buy her canned food, and she eats that a little better than dry cat food, but she still doesn’t eat enough.

That’s so sad @Anna. I’m sorry you and your pets are going through that. :frowning:

@crimby your cat sounds sick. Have you gone to the vet?

Yes. I have two mom loves animals and taught me to be kind to them. I’m working on being an ovo lac to vegetarian.


I think she has worms. I would like to take her to the vet, but I have no way of getting her there. We go to town once a week, but I don’t know how either one of my cats would react to being in our van with a bunch of strange people. This one young woman has offered to let me use her pet carrier, but it takes up way too much room. After we go grocery shopping on our town trip every bit of free space on the van is stuffed with groceries, and there simply isn’t enough room for the pet carrier. Then there is the problem of getting her back home. We only stay in town a few hours, and that probably isn’t long enough for the vet to do everything that needs to be done to both my cats. And we only go to town once a week. I need to get my male cat neutered, and my female cat spayed.

I have a cat. She is the best.

Her fur is so soft and she is also very gentle. Her name is Missti.

I realize, since I got her, I do not feel lonely much anymore.

I really want to adopt a dog as well, a dachshund specifically, I love their face. But I am not sure how I can manage my time. So still postponing this.

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i like animals, but in the wild you know, in their natural habitat they can be very dangerous. imagine a life where you cant hop in the car and pop down to subway every time youre hungry. how would you get food.

option #1 eat plants and run really fast, fly or hide in the ground
option #2 eat meat and be cunning and bloodthirsty
option #3 eat the dead or rotting stuff noone else can

these are just a couple of strategies, but basically you understand, animals in the wild are not to be considered cute and cuddly and played with and pampered. most of the animals you see in your backyard have gone a few days without food or water and are driven by hunger and only the most resilient survive.

as for domestic animals thousands of years of contact with humans have tamed their natural instincts through artificial evolution. they can still go back into survival mode at any minute so theyre unpredictable in that sense.


I have a kitten. Love her.

When you’re with friendly animals your brain releases oxytocin, appropriately called the “love hormone.”


All the dogs i meet on the street are my dogs. They make me so happy. I dont own a dog cause im very lazy.


My kitten likes to cuddle just by placing her paws against me. The hormone surge is amazing, I can spend hours totally blissed out from it.


I want a raccoon…


@crumbly that’s really sad. I’m sorry you can’t get her to the vet. :frowning:

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Me too @crimby Maybe you can figure out a way to get some medicine

I wish i had a cat :cry:

I used to have a black Labrador, she was such an affectionate dog and always seemed to know when I needed cuddles. I also used to have a horse, she was beautiful and a talented event horse, I miss her very much. She used to come galloping across the field to me when I called her, she was everything to me. Sadly she went blind and I had to give her to a horse sanctuary as we didn’t have the thousands of pounds it would have cost to treat her. My boyfriend and I have decided we are going to get a dog this coming spring, I am so looking forward to having a dog around the house again.

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I wanted to know if sugar gliders were for me so a friend let me care for his pair for a month. Despite all my efforts, I would always wake up finding one of them in the toilet lol. I tried putting towels under the door, and even putting a heavy book on top of the seat thinking somehow it was lifting the seat.

Turns out they can squeeze through just about anything, and I caught it squeezing through the hinge where the lid meets the seat. This is the social one, the one that likes staying dry: