Do you like your own company?

I’m ok when i’m with my best friend, or if we are with friends we both know, but i’m not so
keen on being on my own it makes me feel sad.


sometimes yea others no

Yes, I like my own company.

I am very fearful of alone time. It’s part of the reason I spend so much time on here. I don’t like being by myself.

I need alone time. If I don’t have it, then I can’t handle other-people time.


I like my own company when I have something to keep me occupied. If I don’t, the voices intensify and drive me up a wall. So I try to stay busy always, since I generally don’t like the company of other people.

Yes I like alone time. It lets me reset from spending time with other people.

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Think my computer is my best friend. Tends to be used for everything music, videos, games social contact. Trying to detox from over usage like the last 6 months by limiting it to a few hours at the local library. Mostly bored though. Don’t really get lonely. although mostly feel alone when I’m around people which is the problem.

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I could start my own company but I’m about to sign a non compete clause for next year as a consultant.

Im way more comfortable with myself then with other people. Most of the time anyway

I have developed this ability to be alone with myself, cause I didn’t want to overdepend on others, especially for moral support.

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