This is about the moderators. Do you like your job? This is for Bowens, ninjastar, Rogueone, Moonbeam, ZombieMombie
Pretty much, except whenever people do really dumb things like trying to get back at the forum for being banned for good.
How would they go about doing that? Regardless, it’s ridiculous to do that when the rules are clearly stated and warnings precipitate banning
They try to get back in and post crazy stuff that we reject. You guys never get to see it usually.
Oh ok. Wow. Just ridiculous!
All the content on this forum and internet is curated for you, because we are sensitive people with sensitive hearts.
No, we just like to keep idiots from running amok and creating another Reddit.
But Reddit is just as censored as most of the internet
I’m sure it is.
Wow. You guys do a great job.
Thanks! We do appreciate it when people are happy here.
I like it a lot. It has positives and negatives, but overall I am very happy to be a mod here.
[ sneaks in and bites each mod on the ankle ]
[ cleverly disappears ]
I hearby donate these to the mods, just incase someone or something ever tries to bite their ankles.
No nibbles for you.
yea i love it! 4352345
Yes, I like it. Sorry, I am late. Took another break today for awhile.
Yay to the Mods!
I’ve been on enough of other forums with poor moderation so I am grateful for the Mods.