Who are you ?
What you stand up for ?
What you like to see ?
…and such.
I think you get to know the moderators a bit the more time you spend on the site.
They seem like nice people. It’s not what they like to see, it’s more what they don’t like to see. If you read the community guidelines you get the idea of what it means to step out of bounds. Just use common sense and you will be fine.
@anon53623539 you were just yesterday complaining about how moderation is un-American and against free speech and now you want lots of info on who the mods are? Why?
I like to know about boardcontrol.
Is this about a flag??
No, its just genuinely asking who are they ?
Two of them are sitting on the board of directors for the drug company’s association and the rest work for the government. jk
They are normal people. I think all of them have experience with sz or similar conditions just like the rest of us.
Are these the mods as Disney villains?
I’m a zombie. I eat brains.
I identify with Maleficent or however it’s spelled.
Just some butter for the sandwich.
I like this last one.
Its female jediart.