I’m always trying something new cuz I’m hopeful it’ll help.
I’ve tried smoking weed, hobbies, travel, etc.
I’m always convinced my next big ‘thing’ will pull me from psychosis.
I’m always trying something new cuz I’m hopeful it’ll help.
I’ve tried smoking weed, hobbies, travel, etc.
I’m always convinced my next big ‘thing’ will pull me from psychosis.
Its a hard process. I learned to be one with psychosis just let it pass, because aside from meds there is little one can do. I’m always in psychosis. I’m treatment resistant so it’s hard to be sane enough to enjoy the day. Hopefully you find some peace bud. You deserve it!
That was nice of you to say. TY
Of course bro. Take it easy. Everything will be ok!
What things helped you the most? Did anything help at all?
Daily exercise.
Everything else works only for a little while…
Ive tried medicines, meditations, exercise, journaling…idk whats good to be honest.
I’m sorry that hasn’t worked out for you, but I really like your determination to keep seeking and trying new things.
Have you read “the brain that changes itself”?
I’m big on neuro plasticity. I think is what it’s called.
The ability to change your thinking. And it is possible. It’s all about habit.
That and positivity.
I do meditations and I listen to healing vibrations like Tibetan singing bowls, chimes etc.
Yes it’s the plasticity thing. I think that is the key, to start processing thoughts differently, consciously. Repeating for years.
Meds take care of positive symptoms. Nothing helps negative symptoms. What I tried ended up making me worse, therapy and supplements. Not wasting time and money on these anymore, its worse than gambling as you never win.
Basically for a few years I became super health conscious, eating healthy, exercising regularly, going to bed early like 8:00, waking up early, studying every day etc. Eventually that lifestyle began to deteriorate and I went back into psychosis. It’s only anecdotal so I can’t be sure if it helped, but while I was disciplined for those few years I had no psychosis.
Sorry to hear you lost your healthy ways. I ‘think’ healthy decisions keeps psychosis away.
I guess nothing is for sure with this diagnosis
I’m not sure, the way my health regime deteriorated was partially due to social factors. Because my sz was in remission I was making friends and they wanted to do things on the weekend or whenever and that involved weed and drinking and stuff. So while I had this secret that I go batsh!t insane sometimes, I couldn’t avoid doing ‘normal’ things when I was normal.
Do you think the ‘drinking and stuff’ did it or do you think stressors from social situations did it?
I’m trying to put together some kind of social circle.
I worry about staying out late and things like that can mess with me.
I think alcohol affects me worse than marijuana. Both things I should avoid, but alcohol in moderation (like one beer) is better than weed in moderation (one toke). I think the social factor only screwed me up in that it took away my self-discipline.
Hey friends. This is only the second time I’ve posted. I have been through hell like everyone here. I just wanted to share what I have discovered to work real well for me. I’m really stubborn and refuse to take meds, but that’s my personal choice, and I AM NOT recommending anyone to stop meds. Anyway I have made a huge effort in beating this on my own. I know I don’t have to feel like this, but I’m ashamed to be this way. I have paid very close attention to the way things in this world are, normally. This is allowing me to differentiate reality from delusion. Being able to recognize this, my delusions have lost thier power over me. It’s not easy by any means, but it’s gotten better. By knowing delusion from reality, I’m able to, basically ignore the “demons” as I call them. It does create alot of irritation though. It’s kind of like being in a small room, “my mind”, with a braying donkey and trying to pretend that it’s not there. I have alot of anger from this but, I’m no longer fooled or led and controlled by the disease. Like I said, please don’t stop any meds your on, but just know that the strength to beat this thing is inside all of us. I haven’t had problems from the disease in over 2 months now. I know that ain’t long but it’s a promising run.
Exercise helps me tremendously. That and journaling
I’m not sure if I’m allowed to recommend mindfulness, or does it fall too close to Buddhism? I practised zazen, and it helped to make me more aware of the present moment. I’m better able to let all kinds of weird stuff come and go without “following it” down the rabbit hole. When I practise, I sit and stare at a wall, and let thoughts, and sounds, come and go. I’m always trying to become aware of the present. If I get lost in thought, I gently bring my mind back to the sounds of birds chirping. I try to do this without judging myself as an idiot for getting lost in thought. Becoming judgmental can ruin the session.
I’m not perfect at it (even monks never master it), but it’s made a big difference in my life. For example, when I walk down the street, people sometimes walk behind me and this drives me nuts. My paranoia shoots through the roof. I’ve learned to bring my attention to my breath, to the wind, to the feel of the sun on my face. It’s okay to keep track of the person behind me, but I don’t narrow in on it the way I used to, and so the delusion that they’ll hurt me has less power over me.