Hey mates .
Why don’t you seek a job?
Maybe go study at a university?
Maybe develop some hobbies?
Go to a health club?
Find friends?
Get a GF or BF?
I am trying to help you here!
Having schizophrenia doesn’t mean our lives are over!
Hey mates .
Why don’t you seek a job?
Maybe go study at a university?
Maybe develop some hobbies?
Go to a health club?
Find friends?
Get a GF or BF?
I am trying to help you here!
Having schizophrenia doesn’t mean our lives are over!
Thanks @Chess24 ! Iam trying to recover myself but it’s hard man.
I have a husband and two kids but sz gets in the way of life
No motivation, medication dulls the mind.
I sent my resume on indeed to a couple places yesterday. Within a day or so get a call so good luck to me I guess. Hopefully if I get it this time it sticks.
Well @insidemind I have a news flash for you, I am off medications and it is not easy for me
to engage in cognitive activities, either(though physically I am doing pretty well).
Try not to make excuses.
Try to do it.
Schizophrenia causes cognitive problems whether you are medicated or not.
I believe in you.
Try to do it and I wish you success.
You wrote that you had dreams, don’t give up on them.
Try to study. Try to get a job.
If you get severe side effects from your meds and you feel they are blocking your recovery,
do something. Maybe change the dose, change the medication or even quit. Whatever works for you.
The most important thing is to keep dreaming, keep having these goals, not giving up on them.
Thank you @Chess24
I am trying to lower the dose of Vraylar to 4.5 mg and trying Alpha Brain Supplement. My parents push medication. I forgot to take my dose yesterday and had moderate physical symptoms.
Thanks again!
I have a degree but have failed to find a job. In a month I finish the second year of my second degree in traditional acupuncture, this is so I can work say three days a week maximum based on hours which I can pace around med sedation and cycles of functioning. And be able to sleep my natural hours when I can. I go into supervised clinic in September as long as I pass the remaining exams.
I try to do all the right things, I just have to try very hard to balance. This seemed the right way and. I Enjoy it, I will be helping people in the best possible way. I did my research project on acupuncture for schizophrenia and feel hopeful I could help people just like me (don’t worry I did enforce the importance of compliance with medication I’d need that for professional security.)
Basically I have no references, I haven’t paid stamp so It didn’t seem to matter if I am my own boss.
I’m making friends with my neighbors. I’ve known them for almost a year now. I’m nervous because I’m not used to being treated so well. But we shall see.
A BF could be a maybe. But still some fear there.
As far as jobs go. I think being a local locksmith would be a good fit for me. Not scared about that. Just need time still.
The hobbies are many. I’m mostly a bookworm though I feel there is a world out there worth exploring.
Thank you for the encouragement.
I’ve been trying to get a BF/GF, but I guess my first step should be to actually talk to someone.
You are giving dangerous advice.
Shame on you @Chess24.
I’m working on it, my dude. Recovery takes time and not everyone moves at the same pace.
My excessive sleep is the main thing that holds me back it sucks. I workout and practice coding but I only get 12 hours of a day to be active. My will isn’t enough to solve my issue. And my sleep study is months in the future
True true… Meds O.P?
Yes, @Chess24. I agree.
Hmmm. Recovery. Now why didn’t I think of that?
One of the main things I found after recovering from sza, is that things like a job or an education didn’t really interest me anymore…
but then again, maybe they didn’t interest me before sza either
good post btw
True fact.
When I was first hospitalised, I met a guy who seemed very nice and friendly. I talked with him for a bit, he told me he was there for an evaluation, to get off benefits as he had been offered a job in engineering.
Now, he had been the kind of guy who in communism would’ve gotten a red ID for being considered severely mentally Ill (yeah, the state singled out people like that, no wonder the stigma is still big in that country).
I said “good job” and thought he was talking nonsense, as after 20 years of incapacitation, I was sure, nobody recovers. I was no better than other people from that area at the time, thinking schizophrenia brands you for life.
Next day he introduced me to an absolutely gorgeous woman, the kind I had rarely seen in my life and in that area. She was, apparently, his girlfriend. Both of them were shining with love and affection. He wasn’t lying about his purpose there.
That man kind of changed my prospects of recovery, as he set my expectations and my standards very high. He made it, so I was sure that I would as well. I was 19 at the time, didn’t even know how to get a job or what college to go to.
14 years later, I am a college graduate, have two kids, a husband that turns women’s heads on the street and as of Monday, a job in engineering. All thanks to the hope and drive a stranger gave me when I first got diagnosed.
Thank you, man, wherever you might be now. Thank you for sharing your story with my young self. Saved my life.
I’d like to add to the list:
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