I like to talk,I enjoy talking sometimes,sometimes it’s very uncomfortable to talk.I have talked to my therapist,P doc,Meetup mates and also support group friends.TBH,I talked very little though,I really hope I have more to say and share…
Some people can talk a lot and likes talking,how about you?whats your view on talking?
I’m lousy at small talk and most confrontations. Most of it’s not being able to be articulate what’s going round in my head at a hundred miles per second. So I get flustered often so often just shut up. Can be a problem as get manic and rely on my sense of humour. Which can be like the late Rrobin Williams which is making jokes at hundred miles per second. Which is often how I end up socializing. One of my therapist said I just wasn’t aware of how much better at communicating I’m getting. IDK myself seem to feel everything I have to say is worthless so don’t talk to many. Which seems to becoming worse not better.
Depends on what it is about and with whom. I can rant and just keep talking about things I am interested in. Like psychology. Or lifting. Or sex. Or schizophrenia. I am a simple man.
Im just not very good at talking. I tumble over my words, jumble them up before they leave my mouth,and I talk way too fast. It’s embarrassing. So I’ve learned to hate talking. I have a hard time talking to my own boyfriend. I’ll just stare at him hoping he’ll read my mind because it’s going to sound like my words were put through a garbage disposal.
Simply put, no. I hate talking, verbally.
I prefer communicating through written/typed word. I used to have verbally communicating but after going on the maximum dosage of prozac I don’t mind it so much. Also it depends on the situation. I’m typically comfortable communicating with people “face to face” over skype but no necessarily face to face irl. Also I enjoy verbally communicating with friends and family, but strangers not so much.
I’ve been thinking about communication a lot lately. I grew up in a household of emotional neglect and verbal abuse. We weren’t allowed to have opinions or emotions. We weren’t allowed to speak at the dinner table. When dad came home from work the house had to be quiet, so I retreated into books while my brother went into his room to listen to music from headphones and smoke pot. Now as an adult talking is so frustratingly difficult. Its painful at times, I desperately want to say something but can’t manage to get the words out. I don’t think this is alogia, as I remember I did have this in the past and it was different where I couldn’t remember the words or form sentences in the right order.
I am actually pretty similiar to you,I was brought up by a nanny babysitter who treats me very well,then I was force to go back to my birth mother and father house which causes me lots of distress as I already got used to my nanny.I stick to my nanny and she provided me with sense of security
All these separation,environment factor is probably the main cause of me being “weak”,maybe not genetic because in my family tree no one has ever had history of mental illness,except my mother’s mum out of 60++ member,I don’t know if medication is the answer,I hope it is,I hope it’s not