Do You Have Lots To Do?

That’s me:

Need to upload a new logo to TuneIn tonight. Here’s the main site:


Got my hair done and cleaned the wife’s van. Packed camera gear for our trip to the cabin this week. Haven’t gotten out for a walk yet, just not feeling wonderful. Maybe tomorrow. Got some real anxiety over the first round of dental extractions tomorrow.

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Okay, got the new logo uploaded to TuneIn. Ingested another 107 new songs, tagged, and slotted them into rotation. Double-checked the failover on SQFM so it should be okay if the main automation borks while I’m on vacay. The hot spare should pick up within about 30 seconds.

Finished packing photo gear including cleaning off cards for next week. Need to pack my bag of chargers and headphones. Taking one laptop to the lake with an empty drive for backing off cards, but that’s it. I think all that’s left is packing clothes tomorrow night and we’re good to leave for the cabin.


I am lazy, spend most my days going walks and watching TV… I was studying for a bit but taking a break and going back to work next week so hopefully I have that

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Yes, i still have to take over the world.

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I need to trim yew bushes at my parents house. They have like 10 or 12 of them. Been keeping up with the lawn and edging.

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Usually yes i am a very busy person. But im at a weird phase in life where i have nothing much to do but wait around. Like right now I am waiting to hear back from hospitals to see if I got a job.

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I work 5 days a week, make songs and go to a bar on weekends, so I keep myself pretty busy. You can begin listening to my songs on Spotify, Apple Music, or YouTube. I go by the name Vanilla Cult. It’s gonna begin streaming around next weekend.


Need to do haircuts today. We’re all looking a little shaggy.

Trying to figure out dinner.

Need to go grocery shopping ASAP. Was supposed to be today, but will have to wait until tomorrow now since everything closes soon.


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