Do you have delusions of reference?

I get them all the time. I find “secret messages” from the government on tv, in books, on signs, labels, everywhere. It is quite frightening. How many people suffer from this?

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The only time something like that happened was around the time I first got symptoms and I was walking and passed a trash can by a curb and it said something on the top and with the way the snow was on it it looked like it said hell and I thought it meant I was going to hell.

if someone laughs near me I think they’re laughing at me. I thought I conquered this delusion long ago but it came back and it’s especially strong at work where rude soldiers really do laugh at people.

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Medicines help me but they don’t really help much with this issue, so I just try to ignore them. I’ve been thinking of getting a rise on my dosage though.

I take clozapine and I’m on 600mg. Not sure if that’s considered a large dose.

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Sometimes. Sometimes I think I’m meant to be a influential person because of the supernatural (god) but then I do my best to ignore these delusional thoughts

There’s no way there’s a spirit telling me I’m going somewhere in life, if I go anywhere it’s because I put effort into things

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I don’t know if this is relevant or not but my gma noticed a yard sign across our road that wasn’t there earlier I thought it was letting someone know where my home was… It turned out to be a wedding sign to a country church.

Sounds like one to me. Do you get these often?

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I used to a lot… I think it was part of ocd… abilify helped a lot with those

Yes more frequently than I like

People laughing, engines revving, and how people act around me is how I experience it. It was always one of my strongest symptoms. That and thought broadcasting. I’m doing better since getting on perphenazine. It’s still there though.

when psychotic I generally think things are about me.

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Car alarms give me messages too. Little things like car alarms, doors closing, laughing etc are miniature ways for people to tell me they think I’m a loser.

It’s not true though. If someone is closing their door to send you a negative message are lifeless losers. People have better things to do.

I’m on clozapine and looking to increase my dose.

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sounds like you need to tell you pdoc about this…you are a bit delusional I think.

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