I’m not asking for a diagnosis but from my posts do you sometimes find that you can’t relate ? Have you “seen” me through manic depressive phases ? I’m now questioning if I have mania or just anxiety with a psychosis that took place years prior.
@anon80629714 - bipolar disorder runs on a spectrum with different phases and different types of symptoms popping up throughout the day.
Sometimes the symptoms are subtle and barely noticeable to others but you can feel the difference.
Just know that things can become much worse without the meds.
Stress can make things much worse as well.
Stress definitely does something but I always prior to DX thought it was bad anxiety.
Ish, you have serious mood swings. You get super manic and spend hundreds of dollars in a few hours, engage in risky behavior, and never sleep.
You get depressed and cry for hours on end, and sometimes lose your jobs because you can’t physically force yourself to show up.
I don’t mean anything bad by it. Lots of us have these struggles. But you definitely fit in here.
I don’t spend in a few hours more like over days and I barely have sleep issues which further makes me question it but I guess not everyone’s symptoms are same
You have a habit, when you’re doing well, of forgetting what you are like when you’re having an episode. You have frequently posted in the middle of the UK night when you were manic, which is how I deduced sleeping problems.
Wow!! You noticed ? I get disturbed sleep but definitely enough sleep but that’s only sometimes when I’m not doing so well. Lately I’ve been waking up throughout the night too sometimes due to nightmares . But I don’t think it’s mania.
I think that’s true for a lot of people with bipolar/psychosis/schizoaffective/schizophrenia
Yeah, we notice a lot, when we spend so much time on here.
Come to think of it over three days I spent roughly £200 on a charm bracelet… But then I just thought that was because I’ve been working 43 hours a week over two weeks and needed treat myself
@anon80629714 I agree with ninja. From my time spent on wards I have seen quite a few hypomanic folk and you fit that description to a T. You engaged in risky behaviour when in a manic phase and I expect if you hadn’t gotten treatment with abilify you could have done something you regretted.
You fit here and personally I enjoy your posts.
That’s sweet jimbob.
Thanks guys I ask these questions as I like to understand how others see me because sometimes that helps to get a better perspective when we don’t understand ourselves.
I like to ask for outside opinions, too. When I’m doing well, I tend to forget what I’m like when I’m sick.
I can relate to alot of your experiences. So much so I cut up my credit cards. So I get the spending part.
I think it is mainly anxiety, but I also think that sometimes you have a bit of schizoaffective, but don’t lose touch with reality anymore and know when things don’t seem right.
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