Feeling Manic

I’m feeling really, really good. It seems like I’m manic, though, I don’t know how that feels. I had caffeine so maybe that’s it, but I was banging on doors and stuff inside my house, which isn’t usually caffeine induced.

Advice would be appreciated from people who actually go manic, am I?

Also, do you think we should bring back mental hospitals, like long term ones?

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I’ve been having mixed episodes these past few days.
Up and down moods, swinging from mania to depression

Yesterday I was more on the high side of things and today I’m on the low end.

What you are experiencing could be hypomania but it’s hard to really know because i dont know your history.

I got in touch with my doctors office and i suggest you do the same just in case


Thanks for the insight, @Wave I am already seeing my psychiatrist tomorrow. But I’ve been feeling really high today, which is unusual because usually I’m just flat affect, so, mania would be new.

I’ll see if my doctor will up my lithium tomorrow.

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I have a question @Wave when people jump from hour to hour from depression to mania is that considered a mixed episode

I’ve had it where that happens and others where I feel godlike but really sad with racing thoughts and suicidal ideation

Neither one has happened in a long time


Yes, jumping from one mood episode to another rapidly are considered mixed episodes @AwesomeFisherman

I get these mood episodes all the time


Doesnt sound like mania. Maybe just impulsiveness?

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It can also present as extreme agitation, anger, rage. Mixed episodes are also much more likely for someone to commit suicide because they have this elevated agitated energy combined with major depression at the same time.


No, I’ve actually never been in a psych ward or mental hospital because my parents are against sending me there, thinking they can do a better job; and in reality, they have with the help of my therapist and psychiatrist. And yeah, if that was mania last night, it was very short. I’m just schizophrenic, so I don’t have mania or depressive cycles.

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I think if you wonder if you’re manic you probably are. It doesn’t have to be very high, just a little can be bad.

I don’t know about bringing back long term hospitals. I know for certain if they were still available I’d be there for life. I live on my own in a one room apartment. I had to struggle through insanity to stay where I am but some people are sicker and really need taking care of.

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@John_Raven My apologies. I get pretty paranoid about the psych docs in the state hospitals watching me. I shouldn’t have misinterpreted your post.

But speak to your psych doc and therapist about your concerns. They are there to help with anything you need.

Awesome you have such strong family support to stay out of hospital. I had legal system involved with treatment orders so family couldn’t prevent hospital stays. Stay well and good vibes to you.

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Thank you, @Ribbit

He mentioned he doesnt have sza so its unlikely its mania.

Actually its more common to be clueless that you are manic in mood disorders.

Most people can get a little hyped up after a few cups of coffee

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