When in an episode? Do you ?
Of course. But when they were done with only family around, I wouldn’t call it embarrassment, more like regret and guilt.
Yeah, of course. Like Bluey said, guilt also.
I was just talking about some things I’ve done make me cringe in my skin . but miley Cyrus will likely be the best one to ask in a few years. Lol . everybody does dumb stuff
Feel embarrassed for the time I started stripping off on a bridge. Lucky I didn’t get locked up.
Man I feel completely humiliated but that’s life…lol
Yes, but instead of guilt, I blame others. Like my last episode was due to my doctor dropping my dosage, going on holidays, and nobody believing me that I was about to have an episode (Went to hospital, they didn’t let me in).
I used to, but I think my sense of shame has been sort of… desensitized? Over the years. I feel more comfortable in my character as slightly crazy and weird these days. I get more guilt and embarrassment over my history of “borderline things” than SZA things, really. SZA never makes me a dick but sometimes being a Borderline does.
I’ve only had one long term episode when I was diagnosed sz, and yes, it was very embarrassing. I would take the meds any day to not be that crazy ever again.
I’m a little mixed. I’m embarrassed about some of them and wish I could apologize, but some of the things were cool and it’s amazing I was able to do them. I wouldn’t do them again if I had the chance, however.
I was a jerk dirty dancing at a dance with different girls. I didn’t realize just because girls are more welcome to initiate it that i wouldn’t be. I felt like the biggest dirtbag. In still embarrassed and this was in my mid twenties… Ugh. But like i said miley Cyrus will be Sigmund Freud’s poster child. Lol