Do you ever want to just shout

Do you just get mad and you don’t know why but you know you want to shout, or swear, or throw a wrench, or break something, or do anything to get rid of the stupid stupid anger. AHHHHHH.

I’m sorry I’m a lil negative today. Just ignore me I’ll be fine in a little bit.

Having a lot of unwanted past memories. I wish they would just ■■■■ off.

I want cuddles but the husband is still at work. I should do homework but it’s not due till monday so I’m gonna procrastinate it till tomorrow. Then regret it but that’s alright.

Maybe I’ll try to work up the motivation to bake, that might make me feel better. Or do some art. I miss my art, I haven’t really made anything recently. Or I’ll just watch a show and take a nap. I haven’t been sleeping well at all lately.

I don’t know the last time I slept well. I want to track my sleep patterns. I wake up a lot during the night.

Sorry for the randomness as mentioned before just ignore. I am just rambling for that’s what I do. It’s nice though. To just type what I think. Very relieving and I’m already feeling a little calmer. Although throwing a wrench still seems nice.


I don’t generally get worked up myself. I am usually just “blah”.
It’s ok just to vent on this forum though. You wouldn’t be the first nor the last.

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It’s one of the few places that I can vent. I am absolutely terrible when it comes to anger because often times when I get angry it just kinda gets stuffed down whether I want it to or not. I’m not supposed to be an angry person. Anger is bad. When I was a kid, us kids weren’t supposed to get mad. So I learned to essentially just shut it away. Until it bottles up, and then explodes, but not at other people, at me. Not good. So I ramble here because it helps. I just feel bad for you guys who have to put up with me.

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I used to be like that when I was younger. Just bottled it up until I exploded. I have relatively few emotions these days. It may be the sz or maybe partially age but I no longer do this.

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Well I hope you still have good emotions. If not I can try sending you some in the mail. Or on a pigeon or something.

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I hope you feel better. It is ok to vent, now I feel like venting.


Well you listened to me vent and ramble so it’s only fair that I return the favor. If you want to vent to me I will be more than happy to listen and maybe offer advice depending on the situation. If you would rather vent to someone else then please do. I don’t want it to build up on you.


I let off steam in my dreams.

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I’m curious, how do you let off steam in your dreams?

I know that it’s probably wrong but I imagine dreaming about a steaming tea kettle and then waking up and feeling better :stuck_out_tongue:

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Before my last court date I had a lucid dream.

I’m not one to get angry much.

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A lucid dream does sound like a very good way to get frustrations out, as you can get them out and still remember getting them out but you don’t have to deal with possible repercussions of letting frustration out in the real world.

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