To see if the voices are back? If I’m busy I don’t think about it, with insomnia the days I’m sitting around I can’t stop listening for everything. Please tell me what to expect, thanks y’all
I tried to lie down this morning, but woken by the radio going on in the bedroom, sucks cuz I really wanted to sleep.
but there was nothing on.
You still have insomnia @Daze
yeah. it’s so hard on the heart too.
I feel like I’m on the edge of hallucinations by night 3 with 3 hrs of sleep. I usually pass out by night 4
Insomnia can an early sign of relapse. But if you’ve just moved house, that can be another reason.
I caught myself once waiting for voices to come back. It’s a dangerous mindset, wishing for that to happen. Voices are a nuisance.
can you take naps during the day>
sometimes I can, but they’re not very long though.
I’ve had insomnia since my first episode, so hopefully not. @Andrey
No I have trouble sleeping when the sun’s up. Well and I force myself to stay up in attempt to sleep at night.
Benadryl worked for a couple of nights then like everything else i tried it quit working.
When was your first episode?
Did you use to take sleeping pills until recently?
A little over a year ago mine began. They tried sleeping pills when at a really high dose they never worked. My body is exhausted but my mind won’t shut off. @Andrey
I’m so sorry to hear that @Turtle43
Insomnia is very bad both biologically and psychologically.
It was never an issue for me but I’ve read about it a little bit.
Are you hyperactive during the day? Maybe some exercise or physical work would help. What does your doc think?
I’m very active not literally exercising but go go go all day trying to wear myself out. My Dr don’t act like he cares, well he said he’s tried everything there nothing more he can prescribe, there has to be something.
What do you do when unable to sleep? How do you keep busy?
I lay in the dark and try to sleep, tossing and turning until the sun comes up.
Yeah I feel you…
The very few times I had insomnia, I did the same thing.
I’m not a night owl, other people might watch movies or play videogames but not me. I just wanted my sleep back and nothing else.
What AP are you on?
I’m on invega it has been working great for the voices and stuff.
@Turtle43, my experience of insomnia is the same. it’s awful and i’m sorry you’re going through it. it also began for me after my first instance of psychosis about a year ago. i’ve tried different sleep aids and nothing seems to work.
most recently, my pdoc prescribed me quetiapine for sleep. i decided to not take it because i don’t want to be on two ap’s and was also worried about weight gain. have you tried it?
i meet with my pdoc this week and will try something else. maybe we can keep one another posted on what works/doesn’t work.
That’s Seroquel right? I’ve tried that too. @good_haiku