Hearing the voices again

Haven’t been sleeping properly, maybe a couple hours a night for the last week. I’m considering asking my pdoc for something for sleep.

I hate insomnia :confused:


I hate insomnia too @anon2818416. Hope you can get some rest soon.

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Thanks @eighteyedspy23 I’ve got some left over Seroquel that I’m going to try, hopefully that helps? I don’t know what I’ll do once that runs out tho :confused:

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I have not been able to sleep tonight even though I took the sleep aid. My voices are just barely audible and I hate it.


Mine have been loud. I hate it. I’m just trying to sleep, and they won’t let me


Mine are only in the head and don’t seem realistic but the content is so bizarrely creative it makes me almost believe until I get my sanity back again. Maybe by morning today.


I’m sorry to hear that you’re going through this. I hate insomnia. The more frustrated you get, the less you sleep. It can be a downward spiral.

Have you tried breathing exercises or meditation? Sometimes these can help.

Also, do you think you might have been all worked up because of your interview today? Good luck!


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