I know this question has been asked before i think anyway. I was just wondering: do you ever miss the person you were before sz or sza? ( or any other illnesses) I just feel like after 8 years my life is ruined or that I should be somewhere else in life. Not 30 years old on ssi and no one will give me a chance to work ( my doctors and partner dont think i can) I guess I feel kind of useless
every ■■■■■■■ day man
Yes I used to be so different. I was more social and had more happiness and motivation
Yes I miss myself so much. Not dependant on people’s taxes. How crap that feels. And my outlook on life is different now. Its all horrible.
And so completely unexpected this disease.
Taking one action could change your life. If you had a volunteer job you could feel useful and helpful and help make a difference in your community. Or maybe take an online class or take a class in person at your local community college.
I miss how energetic I used to be. I was always doing something. I thrived.
I used to be a musician, but since giving up alcohol and experiencing what sz is like in itself, the music performing self is pretty much gone. Yes I miss that because my new identity is scarily new and different. Here I am 51yo and finding I’m possibly not who I thought I was… I’m a stranger to myself. And yet, it is still myself.
I don’t miss being a scared and abused kid. I do sort of miss when I could live in denial and just work 60 hour weeks to avoid all my personal problems. It was very effective in the short-term, even if it did ultimately make me worse. But I’m a healthier person now.
Thing is everyone says I’m smart but I just don’t see it. My case manager’s boss even said I was smart and would like for me to expand my knowledge and pay my library fine so I can get books again.
Is the library fine within reach? It sounds like a good deal to me. How has your reading comprehension been? Obviously you can read this post!
I miss who I used to be. Right up until 18 years old life was good. I was free like a bird and then BAM Sz knocked on my door and said hi, how are u doing.
Wanna be friends
I had mental health problems so long I never actually knew what I was like before. But I am pretty much the same person. Sza is part of me for my whole life
All the time, in fact, i just blogged about it yesterday.
All the time for me too
Definitely. I miss my independence. If I go anywhere my dad has to take me.
I also miss being a mom. I can’t care for my son so he lives with his father and I only get to talk to him once a week. My daughter is 21. I turned off her phone so I can’t even text her. ( I am temporarily suspending her phone bc she called my dad a d*ck)
I don’t remember a time without SZ, so I don’t really miss it. I’ve always been strange and anxious, and as a child I lived inside my head and my fantasies.
You mean that drunken, stoned, lying ass piece of crap who only used people instead of having friendships and who didn’t appreciate the people who were dumb enough to still love him? Nope. Not only do I not miss that wretch, I can’t pee on his grave often enough.
Thank God for AA.
I miss my childhood and my childhood home.
I also miss my deceased relatives.
Missing my lovely dog as well.
Oh gosh yes! I have very good memories from my younger days. I had a great life up until age 24 in 2013 when I got sz. I’ve said it many many times: I’d love to go back and relive 2010 and 2011…even if it’s just over and over, LOL.
Well I think I started having negative symptoms at age 16. I don’t miss the person I was at 15 because I was making bad decisions (self studying because school was slow moving, thus no HS diploma…).
So I guess I like who I am now. Although I of course would like to be better than I am now too.