Do you ever feel stalked on here by some1 from outside the forum

I feel like someone is stalking me it’s really annoying!

From outside this forum.

Wish they could just leave me alone.


Not sure stalking is the right word but I just don’t feel comfortable with it.

That person would probably tell me to deal with it :astonished:

I do not. Are you sure that you aren’t being paranoid? Unless you told someone irl that you are posting here, it’s unlikely that they know.

I don’t know if there’s anything wrong with someone following me on here.

But I just don’t like it but whatever, I just have to accept they might be…

Yea, I might be wrong.

But it’s just based on a feeling and some coincidences

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While true that I do not, I should note that I did believe that I was being sent messages on this forum when I was psychotic the last time…

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Yes I do and have scolded them for reading my stuff, but i did not know who its so texted here scolding them.

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Lol you’re funny. :smirk: Hope you’re feeling okay.

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Seriously I did that, wait let me find that thread for you if you don’t believe me.

Oh sorry I misunderstood. I thought you meant that the above post u wrote was actually the scolding post

I believe you

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A former friend of mine demanded to know my username here.

I can only assume she wanted to read my posts.

I was freaked out for a while and even changed my name.

I decided the friendship was too unhealthy and I ended it


Is it me ?

Enough characters

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No it’s someone outside the forum. As I had mentioned above.

I don’t have anything against ppl paying more attention to ppl.

I just feel a bit unsettled about this particular person outside the forum watching me but however, there’s no rule or law stating that they can’t :+1::face_with_hand_over_mouth:

So just got to accept and be OK with it, adapt to that possibility

Yea… I know how it is.

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I don’t know if it was stalking, but a girl camped out outside my door and ran me down for two semesters at college. I should have gone to the resident adviser about it, but at that time I was unpopular enough that the decision would probably have gone against me. My opinion of that girl was not high. One time after I was out of the situation I was on the elevator and this same girl got on, and I kind of winced. This other girl looked at me like, “How dare you disrespect this sensitive creature!” I’ve seen other guys get way more disrespectful of girls than I ever got. One time I was sitting next to this guy in the cafeteria, and this girl was sitting in easy hearing distance from us, and he looked at her and said, “Look at that. Isn’t that ugly?” I said, “No, she’s not.” He said he might have to rethink that one.

You might want to draw the attention to someone in authority about this. It could be dangerous.

You might want to draw attention to this. It could be dangerous.

I just made a thread about that this week actually.

Which I am embarrassed about, because it turns out I was psychotic because I wasn’t taking my Risperidone properly yet AGAIN.

I will be starting a depot next week. Enough of the AP roller coaster!!

But yes. I have thought my ex husband, my old pdoc, my pnurse, and my mother. Still not convinced that at least one of them isnt reading my posts. Thought about changing my username for security purposes like CoCo did, and still may do that. But without the tagline saying my old name.

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