Sometimes I think about people on here might be someone who I thought was out to get me before.
Have you been taking your medication?
Not for a year. But I am dealing with a lot of stress today.
Okay, so that’s the reason why you are paranoid about stalkers.
Yeah lol 1515115
That sounds a little paranoid. I have my own paranoia, though. It’s amazing how persistent those thoughts can be.
Yeah. The meds don’t really stop these thoughts, they just take the emotion away from them.
I don’t have anything to do today. Hell, if I had a stalker I’d invite her out to coffee with me.
Thought you’d never ask!
Just kidding…
No, I don’t worry about stalkers and I feel like you shouldn’t either.
Maybe try keeping distracted or take a little forum break if you need to.
I’m not out to get you. I used to think the same but then I tell myself I have schizophrenia.
I’ve never thought people on here were out to get me, but I thought someone I knew was out to get me.
I wonder what his or her motivation could be for stalking you, you haven’t really clarified that part. Is it possible you’ve wronged someone in the past and that has led to you being stalked? Is there a romantic motivation? In any case, it sounds like a delusion, this forum is very anonymous, and such a person would have a hard time tracing you here.
There is a motivation but it’s difficult to put into words. Short answer, yes I have wronged someone in the past and it has lead to me being stalked, but for more selfish reasons than me wronging someone. That was more of just the opportunity they used to get at me.
I think I will do that. Ever since I moved into my apartment and got this computer, that’s all I’ve been doing outside of the gym.
But if I find out you are stalking me…shakes fist
thank you though
I worry that certain people may just be here to gather information on me. But idk.
I think my stalkers have either lost interest or become convinced I will never do or say anything interesting or amusing. That may just be the meds talking, though…
These kind of topics make me think I’m being thought of as a potential stalker or whatever happens to be the subject of the thread. It’s a faint suspicion at the back of my mind that doesn’t really spur me to action, but it’s still there… I’m pretty sure I don’t know any of you in real life, though.
Nope, never think this.
I’m not interesting enough to be stalked.
I don’t care if I get stalked.
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