Do you enjoy ghost stories?

Which shows or authors do you like? A favourite of mine is M. R. James.

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I watch trashy ghost shows on Travel Channel,

But for entertainment value.

I don’t think they hold much real evidence.


No evidence at all, but fictional ghosts are alright.

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Ghosts and horror movies/tv shows trigger my psychosis, even blood now like Dr House that I used to enjoy.



His “Oh Whistle and I will come to you my lad” is really spooky. :no_mouth:

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When i was a kid I liked to watch Unsolved Mysteries. They did have some episodes on ghosts that I liked.

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I used to like Casper. I hear he was a friendy ghost.

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I’m a sucker for all the paranormal and supernatural shows. I don’t have anything but streaming, and it seems many on Amazon Prime are 1 or 2 episodes then cancelled. And Hulu only has seasons 10-15 of Ghost Adventures and the very short season about Zak’s museum artifacts. I know he has a huge museum now and I really like the stories behind the stuff, but oh well.

And I am a believer in the stuff even before sz, so from early life to current house. I believe in it. But to each their own.

I also love horror stuff, except Korean or Japanese ones. For some reason those are my pee myself movies. I watched The Ring when US remade it, was like 3 months pregnant…nope nope nope. That girl came out the well and TV and I screamed bloody murder in broad daylight, lol. Told Kalick that’s why he loves that ■■■■, he’ll bring me clips of movies on YouTube and just be like “watch this”… he’s an ■■■■■■■. Lol. He thinks it’s funny, so I decided to rig it where I rented a Barney dvd from the library and hid his dvd player and put that thing on repeat, drove him nuts one night cause the entire house has to have a tv on to sleep. Kiefer was smart and claimed the couch, lol. So he avoided the Barney curse.

Sometimes mom wins the game.


I enjoy stories about ghosts and shows and movies about them.

Once in a while they’ll talk about ghosts and hauntings on super late night talk radio. It’s always fun. :slight_smile:

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I’m a sucker for true ghost stories, those are my favs. I used to have a collection of state books with hauntings in each, that started back in 1992. My grandparents got me the Little House on the Prairie box set of books and an SD haunted places book cause before they moved there every summer they did a 2 week vacation. So they’d go to Wall Drug in Wall, SD and pick up those things for me. The next year they stopped in MN to get gas and found a Haunted Minnesota book so that’s what I got for my next Xmas. I think by time I turned 16 I had a collection of over 100 different true ghost stories and hauntings books. Throw in the urban legends maybe another 15. But Papa always since 5th grade got me Wicca books also as that was what he knew witchcraft was being put under at the time, but those were given on fishing trips because I wasn’t out to the family yet, but he had my back once I did it. Seriously thought my mom’s boyfriend was gonna kill me, but my mom actually went against him and bought me a tarot deck and book and this awesome incense holder that was a dragon that the smoke looked like it came out of his mouth. Still have the deck and book, but the boyfriend threw the holder at me in one of their fights.

Good and bad, but I got my stuff going for me that’s what matters. We were unable to find another of the same holder, so I have my Isis stick holder and that’s it.

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I absolutely love ghost stories, especially if they are horror based. My favourite author (i know it is a cliche) is Stephen King. My favourite movies consist of Grave Encounters and Gonjiam! If you’re into horror, i would recommend those to movies.

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I’ve watched both Grave Encounters, scared the crap outta me, lol. I don’t do foreign horror, I’m a pansy, lol. Something about how a lot move a certain way or make that noise…pansy! Lol

I found that the first Grave Encounters was the best. How about you? I know what you mean about foreign films, but Gonjiam is very good. If you ever work up the nerve and patience, i would highly recommend it.

I liked the X-Files in the 90s.

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First was best, second went more for hump scares and unnecessary things.

I don’t think I’m working my courage to the other movie, lol.

I got a date on the 29th for my son Kiefer to watch The Lost Boys though, so he sees the man he was named for. My husband is still pissed that I named him without input, lol. Raina was gonna be Krishna, but then our kids woulda been KKK first initials, so I named her after the alpha werewolf in one of Laurell K Hamilton’s books from the Anita Blake series. If you know the character and how Raina’s pregnancy and birth went it makes sense, lol.

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Funny you should say that, my parents were going to call me Kiefer as well if i were a boy. I think it is a lovely boys name. Raina is also a very beautiful name.

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I love ghost stories! :open_mouth: :ghost:

I liked Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark… the books that is, they were great when I read them growing up. The movie was so-so.


I love “Sixth Sense”!
I do believe I have a ghost in the house. We jokingly call him Douglas


I was really into true ghost stories for a while. But God commanded me to quit reading them. So, I did.

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