Do you believe in ghosts?

I know I’ve mentioned it before,

But the TV now days is full of these ghost shows.

Some pretty convincing.

Plus, I’ve had some reliable sources tell me some pretty scary stories.

What do you think?

What are your experiences?


I don’t believe in ghost shows. At all. They’re all a hoax. But I’m going to keep whatever I might believe about ghosts and spirits right now to myself. :upside_down_face:


Saw a young girl in Victorian Clothing staring at me from the pews when i was putting the music out for choir practice when i was 15. Knowing now im sz - it may of been an early hallucination at that age. But my God - I said a few choice words i should not of done in front of the altar.


i do and Im not prone to visua hallucinations. I saw one full bodied apparition. A little boy in pveralls and a newsboy cap. The house was a hundred years old, so it fit. We had the water turn on, latch llocks lift, and lights or tv turn off. I wasn’t the one experiencing everything.


Nope. Just some thoughts that people call me Casper or something about Ghostbusters because I’m really pale and white. I dont believe in ghosts. I had a bad drug trip.

Never seen ghosts just aliens. Not sure why we get to talk about ghosts when they’re a part of the same thing. I guess you dont talk about it a lot. I dont have a problem with it.

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I believe in ghosts and spirits.

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I believe in Victorian ghost literature.


I want to believe in ghosts. But I don’t. I’m just happy to get hallucinations of my son once in awhile.


I don’t. I try to steer clear of anything supernatural with my diagnosis


I dont really, until im in that lonely house by myself! Then I start thinking about ghosts and I think they real haha


Strangly enough as well. I had this lovely lady that lived above me well before i moved in, and she always had this distinctive perfume on her. No one saw her for weeks, until she was found dead last xmas in bed.

And for a week after - ALL i could smell in my flat was this perfume, and it was strong. I actually thought someone was spraying it thru the letterbox.

I actually like to think she paid me a visit to say goodbye. Rest her soul.

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I don’t think I do. I never had hallucinations. I feel comfortable in the dark. Due to my illness and major psychosis I completely detached myself from any spiritual thoughts, afterlife, religion, fate etc. I feel way better this way. I sleep well at night.

I only do yoga, practice peace, breathing exercises.

I dream a lot though and my dreams always have meaning that turn out to happen in my life. Like my dad’s passing away etc.

A small part of me still believes everything happens for a reason (0.1%) of me has some thought that this world isn’t just an empty abyss.

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I’ve never seen one unfortunately. That still doesn’t stop me from having unusual beliefs about spirit things though :smile:

I haven’t watched a ghost show in ages. I came to the conclusion that they’re a bit staged.


I believe, but I also hallucinate the dead, so that doesn’t help.

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I was taking pictures in the house I was living at the time and one of the pictures had a ghost in it. It looked like my deceased grandmother.

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How come most ghosts are like some really old guy walking around your room in boxers…scratching his nuts.

How come there are never two gorgeous babe ghosts flirting with you at the end of your bed?


yes I believe in ghosts or spirits as I like to call them…my grandfather’s ghost visited me at the time of his death in 1983…opened and closed drawers and sat across the room from me in what looked like a sheet over him…I know cliche’ but it happened. I also believe I have a spirit portal in my house that has followed me across the nation in more than three houses.

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i dont know. i believe in spirits. can ghosts humans return to earth? i think so maybe if God allows it for some reason. maybe he does that sometimes? i dont know…

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I used to be haunted by my grandmother when I was very small so I believe in ghosts.

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i looked it up and one source says that ghosts are (and this is possibly true) demons trying to masquerade as loved ones. If that were the case it would be best not to involve ones self with “ghosts”