Do you believe in life after death?

Not having memories is not the same as not having existed. I don’t have memories from before I was about 6 years old, but I know that I was a toddler at some point and just not able to form lasting memories.


U were alive in ur mother before u even developed a brain… And before that half was in a sperm and half in a egg… And before that somehow ur DNA is in someone else in ur family … And the idea of u is there from the beginning…

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its a nice thought the afterlife,

a place where things dont just end, a place where it doesnt just stop and there is darkness, but a place that is full of light and has init everything we could ever want and more than we ever imagined,

i think if you believe in something like that so much that it must be true and you make it reality and say it will happen and it does. :slight_smile: :pray:

lets just wait and see but until then its a case of just waiting and hoping and believing.

I don’t know. All the made up stories about it are just that, made up. We don’t actually know.

Some say its a deep sleep. People that died and came back say that there’s bliss. That’s a good thought.

I believe everything is alive, we are made of atoms and particles that are alive and we shall remain atoms and particles once we die, made of the cosmos, from the cosmos and into the cosmos again. That’s my thought.

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well, if you want to grasp, att unreasonable things, I cant stop you, or for that sake have an interesst in stopping it. There is nothing supernatural ever proven. If you wish to belive in things that reason and science tells is not probable and grasp att fairytales, then it s your perogative.

End of my participation in this discussion.

I’ve visited a number of near death sites, and most of them say that there is no death. We just continue life on a different plane. Most of them say their near death experience was very euphoric, but a few say their near death experience was fearful and hellish. I think the conservative Christians are flooding those sites with hellish near death experiences so they can threaten people with eternal damnation.


Philosophical discussions are obviously not your thing.

I have read a few books about aliens and every extraterrestrial contacts I choose to read includes witnesses reports or/and other evidence i tend to take them seriously.

I want to say, almost every extraterrestrial contacts begin with a discussion of immortality of our souls and reincarnation. So I tend to believe there exist our souls and that it’s immortal. I tend to believe that there is after life. I began to pick up this belief when my clinical psychologist who have vast interest in dream analysis told me about her observations. She said there were people coming to her to describe repetitive dreams in great details. They described the style of clothing and furniture. They described some cultural practice and life style that is no longer around for ages. My therapist said that those were so detailed and special that she believed they are describing memories from previous life. She claimed from her clinical experience she concludes there is previous life and afterlife. That is where i begin to pick up the believe.

My aunt visited me the night she died in the form of a bright ball of white light, but I didn’t know it was her at the time, I just woke up from a sound sleep, sitting straight up in bed, watching this ball of light float in front of me.
I don’t recall how it spoke, but it did speak to me saying things that made sense, but only after my mom called me in the morning telling me that she had died in a car accident the night before.


Have any of you died ?

I’ve known a couple people who died, they both said there is nothing. Not even a memory of being dead. You just remember a few things before whatever killed you and then you wake up. Like what killed you never happened.

All people need some form of consolation.


All I can ask is how much that matters when you know only the matter we are made of makes up about 4% of space. No matter what you do in this lifetime, it will perpetually be useless and make no mark on the universe. So then when you come to grips with that you can ask yourself, “So what if nothing happens? So what?” And continue until you are satisfied.

If I blame other people, then I am giving them power to do bad things. If I look at it from a position where I am in control, then I have control and I fix whatever I want with it.

I think you have an idea that maybe things have moved too fast for you to catch them and these things turned out to be bad?

Well if that’s the way you feel about life, that people create and accept garbage, just ask yourself “So what?” What point is there to dwell on it if they won’t accept something worth while. And if that doesn’t fit your fancy, keep asking yourself “So what?” until you draw out all possible conclusions. People may matter less than you think.