Do you believe in life after death?

I believe in Universal Consciousness and the Big Bang. I think we are all connected and when we die, we continue to exist in a different form but still very physical and we look just like ourselves. I think we are surrounded by “dead people” and while some ‘Mediums’ are frauds, some are legit and can talk to “dead people”. They aren’t really dead if you can talk to them, are they? I’ve had a couple delusions where I thought I talked to dead people but I don’t feel that way now.

What do you believe?

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I believe all living creatures on this planet have one chance at life at when any of those creatures dies which includes humans, we are dead.

There is no life after death.


Ya, I’m living proof. Had over a billion or trillion past lives in my causal loop. I don’t know. Could be less, but I went crazy after experiencing immortality. I don’t think I’m entirely human anymore.


Are you always the same person in your past lives? or have you been different people?