Right now I don’t. I think it is nonesense. He offers no spiritual protection.
I have trouble with a god who demands our complete devotion and threatens us with intolerable suffering for eternity if we don’t give it to him. On the other hand, the metaphor of a god who suffered mightily to save us from out sins is nice. I might not believe in him literally, but some of his teachings are good.
I am agnostic…there could be a god there could not be a god. man has really no way of knowing which is true.
whats the point in bringing it up then?
It was never in there, the whole hell thing.
“Vatican” means literally “the prophet of the serpent”.
It is the prophet of the serpent that tells people god will throw them into hell.
I know there are other beings.
Did one become like a man somehow? I don’t know. Is it possible? Yeah it is actually.
idk what prophet of the serpent means but i’m guessing it might be pertaining to the person who prophesied that the serpent would come but idk who that could be,
tbh i don’t think the catholic church would name themselves after the devil, i don’t think they could have overlooked that.
They are devil worshippers, they didn’t over look anything.
The bibble states clearly that this serpent, or satan, is the very god/owner/ruler of the world.
His prophet are billionaires and own so much and have so much power it’s rediculous.
Prophet of the serpent means the serpent’s prophet, his messenger, his follower, his chosen people, stuff like that.
idk pansdisease, i am a bit sceptical, i think i would need proof of that tbh
Wish granted.
Commence waiting, it won’t be long and you will have proof.
idk if i could believe anyone tbh maybe i could ask a priest or something, it sound very far fetched almost delusional
I don’t know how God and Jesus let it happen…they must be pretty busy.
The name Vatican comes from mons vaticanus, where the Vatican is. The name predates the Church using the place as it’s base.
Isn’t it built on top of a pagan temple? some legend of that?
The name originally does mean prophetic or oracle…Vatic .
The Vatican Hill takes its name from the Latin word ‘vaticanus’ alluding to the oracles or prophecies which were anciently delivered here.’ [Vatican curator]
204 BC – Mons Vaticanus: Site of Temple of Cybele, the Mother Goddess of Rome
Cybele has two different faces: a gentle, civilised, human side, and a serpent aspect representing her darker and more destructive nature (similar to the light and dark sides of Venus). Her name is related to the Latin word ‘sibilare’ meaning ‘to hiss’. Serpent energy refers to the sacred life force and those invisible electromagnetic or telluric currents that criss-cross the earth and upon which all important sacred sites of antiquity were built. The serpent also symbolizes the continuous cycle of birth, death and rebirth. So, from the earliest times, the Mons Vaticanus had all the elements of a sacred site – its name means ‘oracle’ or ‘prophecy’; it is a mountain close to water and its deity was the serpent or Great Mother who carries the secret of life, death and rebirth.
Yes, I believe in Jesus by the way…
did you google that? lol
Well that just agrees with my point that it predates the Vatican as the base of the Church.
However, that link is just full of ■■■■ though. Going on about serpent for no reason (Cybele’s name is not related to ‘sibilare’, it is from a different language entirely. Cybele as a deity didn’t have a connection to serpents). Coming up with random stuff about Attis (Attis was not her son, was not born on the 25th of december, and was not crucified) and so on…
She most likely heard all this crap watching ‘zeitgeist’, which is not exactly what can be called ‘reliable’ with regards to it’s ‘facts’. But I guess you can’t really expect much better from an ‘astrologer(/pro bullshitter)’
personnally i think the universe is a hologram, yes with a creator. i don’t think u have to devote ur life to him or her to get to heaven i think it’s a natural process kind of like hitting the eject button for a pilot. it just happens. i also think there is a hell for bad spirits or souls such as mass murderers like lenin and hitler so they don’t get recycled back into the programme. if this is a hologram then someone or many people must be running it or a computer running it with operaters known down here as god or allah or whoever. we’ll find out if it’s a hologram in two years time. some scientists are running an experiment with light to find out. can’t wait to see if it’s correct or not. maybe i won’t live long enough to find out but i’ll know when i get there i guess. all i know is that the spirits of the dead exist and they impart information to the living but they don’t live here. they must live in a spiritual dimension and visit occasionally, unless they are illegals and choose to remain…quite how you’d do that i don’t know but i’ll find out when i get there i guess. someone is running the show that’s for damn sure. i think though that all the religious apparitions throught history, the one witnessed by masses of people are holograms sent back through time by eiter the military or those running the show. for some reason they, whoever “they” are want to keep us religious and it’s funny how there have been virtually no sightings in recent times now that the technology exists to know what they are. do i believe in god the way the bible tells it? no i don’t. do i believe in an electrical or energy programme or multiverse with someone or beings running the show? yes i do. do i believe there is a punishment for evil people…yes i do. i never did before but i’m sort of coming around to the idea. i’m hoping it’s true anyway. i know of a mass murderer and he and is fellow murderers need to go to hell. they have bad souls and should never be recycled on this earth. their talent has given them everything they could possible desire but their greed has made them killers of the masses. they need punishing in the afterlife for this. like my dad says, you can take anything off of the table of life you desire but you have to pay a price for it. i believe that price is the exact opposite of what you take and you pay for it either here or in the afterlife or both. some of my enemies have already paid a little price in this life…the really good stuff comes in the afterlife i think. hopefully i’ll be reincarnated one day but if not it doesn’t matter. i don’t mind living as a spirit…you never know, i may even like it. i’d like to meet whoever runs the programme that’s for damn sure and ask him or her why i’ve suffered so much. it’s difficult to love a creator that allows so much suffering, especially to children. i guess you just don’t know till you get there. you can have faith but that could just be a backwards mode of thinking. jesus christ could’ve been a great magician just like penn and teller, mary may well have slept with someone else and claimed god’s divine intervention about her pregnancy rather than be stoned to death…who knows. all i do know is, ghosts exist, some good, some not so good. maybe there are spiritual dimensions other than this one and that’s where they reside most of the time. maybe they are free to travel between this dimension and theirs. all i know is, this system, whatever it is and whoever is running it is cruel…maybe this is hell afterall.
I do believe in Jesus. And the Buddha too.
I read most about Jesus in the Bible and Koran. I question about him from the two viewpoints. Somtimes I wonder if he is controlling me for others and myself. I also question is he even existing right now. Nearlly all my delusions are about me bieng affected spiritualy by something. What seems to be protecting me the most right now is medication.