Biblical claims

The bibble states that satan and demons own and rule the earth.

it says he is the god of this world.

“Vatican” means literally “prophet of the serpent”.

Makes sense right?

You know there are other beings and i know there are other beings, we all know there are other beings, just need to work out the kinks thats all.

Isn’t that strange though, in the bibble satan is the god of the world, the prophet of the serpent are billionaires who even own their country and most of the globe.

Who preaches hell? The prophet of the serpent. Who tells people some other guy paid for all of our crimes with his death? The prophet of the serpent. Who teaches a global flood that was impossible? The prophet of the serpent. Free will? Prophet of the serpent.

This book had rather odd things to say back in the day as well. But who changed it? the prophet of the serpent. It’s not the same book at all and if we knew what it used to say it would probably blow our minds actually.

Who’s fault would it all be? The creators of course. Who tells people it’s all their own fault? The prophet of the serpent. It all rests on the shoulders of the creator and not the creation, it’s all god’s fault it says.

Hypothetically speaking of course. Not saying any of it is true of course.

No, it doesn’t. I’m not Catholic but I did some research and know you’re wrong. Let’s see some evidence that it does.

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It’s very old language.

I think it’s two words put together to form one.

It really does mean that.

Makes total sense actually now that i think about it.

(Oh sh#$!)

If you choice to believe this translation:

The devil the illuminati, aliens, god, all this ■■■■ I used to do a lot of looking into. None of its real, it drove me insane. Or maybe insanity drove me to it.


this is like the da vinci code in real life haha so funny, i’ll be in rosslyn chapel next trying to dig up the floor haha :laughing:

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I do not equate true Christianity (the following of Jesus by the scriptures and the guiding of the Holy Spirit) to be monopolized by ANY religion developed by man…including both the Catholic and Protestant denominations… Idk why everyone automatically assumes association with the Vatican, as there are millions of non Catholics who believe in Jesus as well…

Anyways, to go along with things said in the first post: Lord of this World…

But Jesus is gonna take it all back…

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the new sabbath album is amazing 13, i love it, got it on vinyl too

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Well, I read somewhere that talking about dreams was ill advised and blasphemous, i think from fontane but anyway. When I don’t take drugs, I get images of this black haired guy who is like tall, dresses in white and is the “last”, and doesn’t let you feel pathos about yourself. I guess that could be satan as people define it? I would draw it out but I have horrible art skills sorry, not that dreams are interesting. I don’t believe in god or the devil really, though i guess i do believe in aliens. Not that I don’t go to church for the community.

No, no it doesn’t.

It’s worth noting the most obvious flaw in that translation, which is that ‘can’ doesn’t mean ‘snake/serpent’

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Way to discourage these kinds of threads. :+1:

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Serpens and serpentis is Latin for serpent or snake…

The only connection at all is historical in that Cybele was worshiped there and one of her attributes was serpent. the name however only includes prophet or oracles (vatic or vatis) but not serpent.

Can is babylonian and mayan as well.

It means serpent.

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In one of his books, orwell says you can trust snakes, then jews, then greeks on the street but that you couldn’t trust armenians. I don’t know what me meant by snakes as a personality type though

if you want to talk about the serpent and i am assuming it is the one portrayed in the garden of Eden that convinced Adam to partake in some fruit and was also the Devil, well the Devil only took the form of a snake because it was convenient, he can basically take any form and i don’t think the form needs to be alive.

who listens to it all? A sheep

your asking questions and thats a good thing!

Imagine Lyrics

from Imagine
“Imagine” is track #1 on the album Imagine. It was written by Lennon, John.

Imagine there’s no heaven
It’s easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky

Imagine all the people
Living for today

Imagine there’s no countries
It isn’t hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion, too

Imagine all the people
Living life in peace

You may say I’m a dreamer
But I’m not the only one
I hope someday you will join us
And the world will be as one

Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man

Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world

You, you may say I’m a dreamer
But I’m not the only one
I hope someday you will join us
And the world will live as one


that’s the only John Lennon song I really hate.

Which is entirely unrelated to the origin of ‘Vatican/vaticanus’, a name with no connection to Mayan or Akkadian. The origin of the name Vatican(us) being in use in the area predates the church, and does not have anything to do with snakes or serpents.

Why waste time with this ridiculous crap when there is plenty you could legitimately criticise the Catholic Church for, and generally criticise religions for, being as they are dangerous nonsense