Do you believe in ghosts?

Ghosts ghousts they are everywhere. I don’t believe in them.

Sometimes I want to believe in them, sort of for reassurance of an afterlife. I’m not too sure though, my mind changes a lot.

I have evolving thoughts on this. I grew up in a family that believed in ghosts and had stories to back it up. I didn’t for a long time, though. Then, when my mom passed, she stayed around for about a week. Completely aside from any hallucinations/delusions I was aware of her. Then, a lot of people have told me about their experiences with ghosts (normal, stable people who surprised me with their stories). So… ?

did you saw your mom as a ghost?

I saw her as a shadow moving from room to room, and felt her walking past me, behind me, when I was in the kitchen a few times. I have had visions/hallucinations for over thirty years, and this was different. I knew it was her, and it confused and scared me because she was gone… (She died in the house) Anyway, I said to her “stop it, Mom, you’re scaring me”. And I didn’t see her after that, which I regretted later.

I believe there are other life forms in other dimensions than we see. And likely, some of them were once as we are yes

I used to have auditory hallucinations that I thought were ghosts so I’m not sure

strange, that might be a ghost…but I never experienced anything like that…just saw tv series about extrosensor wars… but there was spirits not ghosts…who intentioly scary people. or haunted houses … where they exist

That’s interesting. I do have sz. I accept that now. I have enough awareness to know this was different, though. And, none of the people who have told me their stories have or had mental illness.
There’s no need to deny ALL spiritual/ethereal experience. It might be a delicate process to decipher what is produced by mental illness and what is a legitimate phenomenon, but one can choose to embrace both.

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I don’t believe in ghosts, but I believe in demons.
I have seen many demons, in my time.

I believe there are ghosts/demons but I have never been in contact with one before. Or should say the famous X-Files quote, “I want to believe.”

i believe in spirits ("ghosts:) and angels and demons
well really angels and demons are still just spirits . benevolent spirits or heinously evil spirits that only get joy from others pain

I believe in them I saw one one time

my grandfather’s ghost came to see me at the exact moment that he died. My aunt experienced the same thing…she was in California, I was in Oklahoma.

I thought I saw a ghost once, it was deep in the night, I was staying at a place famous for people doing self-harm there and possibly suicide… In retrospective it was a visual allucination I’m sure.

I’m not sure if I believe in them or not. My delusions had me thinking they exist for awhile but now I don’t know. Like a lot of people, I want to think our loved ones stay around after they go. I like to watch that show “Hollywood Medium”. It’s pretty interesting. Sure makes it seem like there are ghosts.

I don’t believe in ghosts in the literal sense.

I believe in ghosts but I’m scared of believing in them. If that makes sense? Do I believe in them because they are real or is it because of my illness. As a Pagan, I also believe in certain types of magic and psychic phenomenon… I believed before my psychosis and now that I’m medicated I still believe. Does this mean I am still delusional?

I’ve told the story before of talking to Theresa Caputo, a famous medium, who knew all about my brother and there’s no possible way she could have known anything.
I’ve seen a ghost in my house, also when we first moved in there was a message on our answering machine (back when landlines were big) that was really staticy that said ‘my names john’ and my mom went to the court house and got all the names of everybody that’s lived in the house (they were a dollar per owner!) and the first guy to ever live in the house, his name was John. maybe it was a coincidence, maybe not?? but a lot of things go missing in our house, odd things that have no reason to leave their place. and like I said I saw a white figure walk out of my mom and her husbands room.