Do you believe in ghosts?

Just curious. I’ve just seen a man in my hallway, he was quite short and wearing a brown tweed style suit and a flat cap. I do know the previous owners of our house died here, so I’m trying to figure out whether I saw someone from the past or if I’m just hallucinating. I’m curious as to what you guys think of this? [poll type=multiple min=1 max=3 public=true]

  • Yes
  • No
  • Not sure
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Tried to do a poll but not sure how… maybe one of the mods could help?

  • Yes
  • No
  • Not sure

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Thank you Everhopeful ! :slight_smile:

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No. Just stupid hallucinations.

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Lol! 1515151515

About as much as I believe that there’s a cure for schizophrenia. Which is not at all.


Or Alcoholism. -Shrugs-

When I was young I saw one under my bed. It was a spectral hand that was reaching out. True story.

With some hindsight and a later history of hallucination I pretty soon wiped that experience off!

No. I don’t believe in ghosts or spirits.

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I could be talked into believing in ghosts but I’m not sure. for what its worth I’ve heard the voice of a deceased friend from my youth out of nowhere before

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In all my lives, I’ve never seen a ghost. So no I don’t.


my grandfathers ghost came to me the instant that he died miles away…I believe in ghosts.


@jukebox, I believe you. Same for me except it was my grandma, she died unexpectedly while traveling in a car from Ohio to California to visit us.
I was on a business trip in Sweden, and knew the second she died, because she came to me and said goodbye, it was the most depressing feeling.

My aunt appeared in a ball of super white light and woke me up- I sat up straight in bed as she told me she was “okay now,” and said why she couldn’t stay here any longer.
I took it all in and replied “Oh, ok” and ‘she’ lingered a bit longer then left.
I went back to sleep and dreamed my mom had died in a black convertable that was parked on the corner of my mom’s street.
There was no body, just a lot of blood, I believed it was my mom and woke up sad and went to work- just a dream right?
At 10AM my mom called me at work to say her sister had died last night- she was a passinger In their her husbands car (a black sedan)coming home late, and on the corner of the onramp to the freeway, a flatbed towtruck was picking up an abandoned vehicle- and had no lights on! They collided with it at a decent speed, and it sheared off the top of the passenger side right at chest level. She said she ‘wasn’t going to make it’ and died at the scene within minutes from blood loss.


I believe you @Csummers I also had a dream once that my next door neighbor friend in high school died fighting two saber tooth tigers…woke up and called next door and his mom said he had gone partying in Tulsa…newspaper next morning said he had died…no coincidence.


I believe in ghosts but I’m not sure if your hallucinating or not. Most hallucinations are auditory so you may have really seen a ghost. I saw a ghost before. It was during the day at a park. It looked like the grim reaper.

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It was just a hallucination.

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I do believe in ghosts because I’ve seen and heard them. I saw and heard my son after he died. I’ve heard other ghosts too.

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seeing and hearing an’t nothing to ghosts they haunt by dates, and feel traped in limbo. they are not something to miss with.

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Interesting answers everyone… I’ve had some strange experiences like some of you describe, I am definitely a sceptic but have seen some strange things. Maybe it would all make more sense if I wasn’t schizophrenic :wink: