Have you had some real paranormal experience?

Have you seen a ghost?
Is there a ghost home near your home?
I have not seen anyone yet. But I think that I would like to see one of them.
If I did not run, I would like to talk with one of them.
What do you think?

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yes i have seen ghosts…i talk to ghosts all the time. :ghost:
most are harmless…but they can get angry.
take care :alien:

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My grandfather’s ghost came to see me when he died and at that moment that I saw him I knew he must have died. He had heart surgery that night and in the dark he looked covered with a sheet just like a trick or treater and then I looked down at the dog thumping (wagging) his tail against the floor and when I looked up he was gone, then there were bumps and shifts in the bedroom and then the next day I found out he had indeed died. I told my aunt about it (his daughter) and she said she experienced seeing him in California at the same time I saw his ghost. True story. Since he was a strong christian it made me start to lean that way in believing in Jesus. I was agnostic for some years more until I was saved in college.

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its the illness talking

I saw a ghost one time. I was at a river and some guy was fishing in the water. A black grim reaper shadow was right in front of him but he had his head down so he didn’t see it. It then rocketed to the right so fast I didn’t see it move then it disappeared. It was wild.

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yes once I opened a yoga book and the people started to move and do the pose

Something grabbed my foot while I was driving! Propably a hallucination. Just happened once.

I saw purple light on my grand father’s funeral. He told me “I’m not in there”. I felt so good and calm when he spoke to me. I was the only one not crying.

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One time when my oldest son was new born an old man walked passed the door way to our bed room. I was very frightened and ran out there to confront him. What did he do in our apartment. But he was gone. Just vanished in the air. He had a coat and a hat.

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When my dad died I started to have a lot of dreams with him in them, which is odd, because even though he was totally removed from our family and I never thought of him, after he died he started to occupy a place in my dreams. Now that my mom has died I’ve started to have dreams with her in them. She had a long convalescence due to Alzheimer’s and we saw her death coming. I didn’t dream about her when she was sick. I sometimes wonder if my parents aren’t trying to reach me from beyond the grave.


my grandmother and i had a strained relationship most of the time. it wasn;t that we didn;t love each other it was just that she was brought up in care and care in those days was pretty horrific. she had no sense of how to treat children or family but i accommodated that and didn’t hold it against her. she always got me lovely christmas presents and christmas was very important to her. she would make me a christmas pudding for myself and my family and i would try my hardest to get her something nice in return…
anyway she died and about a year and a bit later i had a dream that her and i were walking around a market and she stopped at a jewellry stall and got a me a black jet brooch.
here she said, i want you to have this for christmas as i won’t be there. i was touched. the brooch wasn’t something i’d buy for myself as my geneation don’t generally wear brooches but it was elegant and antique, very her. i woke up and was both upset that she wasn;t here to say thank you and touched that she would take time out to think of me :smile:
i dreamed about her a few times after that…one ime she told me to tidy the house up in a stern voice …the last dream i had of both my grandparents was about a year and a bit ago i think…they were showing me tv screens and i was swiping through them like you do on a mobile…i got angry and swiped them all away from my view and demanded to know where my husband was…they said he;d been taken somewhere. i didn’t ask by whom or where he’d been taken…i sensed that they were getting ready to leave me again so i asked them straght out for the lottery numbers, like you do…they gave me three numbers…i asked for their phone number, which they gave me and then i woke up.
i was distressed as the dream seemed to have no satisfactory resolution for me…much as i loved them they didn’t give me any information and my dreaming self didn’t ask the right questions i guess. i was left feeling happy that i saw them and that they were together yet frustrated that i didn’t get any answers…
i still haven’t figured out that phone number…how do you phone the dead??? i have no idea…i thought it may be a frequency of some sort but i haven’t yet found it.
i have also dreamed of my late husband a few times…some happy dreams some not so great but nothing sinister…i wish i could wake up during these dreams of my family ad really talk to them, ask them questions and really learn something. it could well just be my brain sorting out unsolved emotional quandries about my departed family but who knows,the dreams of my family have sparked inspiration for stories that i have yet to write…who knows? maybe that was the whole point of the dreams in the first place :smile:

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I don’t think I’ve seen any while awake, though I have feelings I’ve seen loved ones that have passed in dreams. I’m still haunted by this one dream I had several years ago after my Grandfather on my dad’s side passed away. I dreampt we were all gathered around in a strange house and there was a coffin in the middle of the room, and I knew it was my grandfather, without looking at it, but then I turned my head and he was sitting in a chair near by the coffin. He looked at me and his mouth opened up and this strange blue light emerged from his mouth. I woke up with quite a start at that dream.

I’ve also felt the presence of my grandmother on my mom’s side who died many years ago as well in a few dreams. None really stand out with her like that dream of my grandfather.

One time I had a dream I was standing in front of the big golden gates and St. Peter was there, he said to me, take my hand if it goes through you’ll return to Earth, if it stays in my hand I’ll walk you through the gate. It went through his hand I woke up shaking, like having a very minor seizure, which I’m not prone to.

Sometimes I believe these were more than just dreams, because of the power I felt from them. I’m not claiming to have spiritual dreams or dreams with psychic meanings but it’s the closest to paranormal I’ve really come in my life.

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the first night we moved into a victorian cottage was to be our first sighting of a ghost. we;d had poltergeist experiences before but we;d never “seen” anything before. my children and i and a friend were sat in the dining room reading stories when a black dense shadow figure glided down the hallway to the front door and rattled the security chain and just disappeared…i was in shock and the children were scared. i got up and followed where it had gone.
i even opened the front door to see if it had gone out onto the steet but it had gone. i have no idea what it was…even if it was human but it was about 5-10 foot tall and well built.
i supposed it was a man because of it;s height and build but who knows?
i have not seen anything else since, not visually. there have been poltergeist experiences but nothing visible.
the poltergeist experinces have been many and started when i was about 16 years old. the first one was the radio turning itself on when i and two friends were alone in my parent’s house for the weekend. we just kind of sat there and went…o…k…that was that.
then nothing for about a year, then i was in the recording studio mucking about on a piano …i was drinking a can of coke and i put it down by the side of the piano stool…played a little more then went to pick it up…it had vanished…i looked around the studio only to find the coke right in front of the bass drum of a kit at the back of the room.
i still to this day have no idea what it meant.
then i moved into a house with the then boyfriend…again, nothing for nearly 3 years until i met my husband to be…i moved in with him and one day while he was out of the house i was sleeping lightly. i felt someone sit down on the edge of the bed and thinking it was him rolled over to say hello…there was nobody there…freaked me right out. i have no idea who or what it was.
the tv switched itself off in the same house.
.a cupboard was pulled off of the wall.
a drawing appeared in a mirror when i fell asleep in the bath of a female with three children all the same age. i’m guessing they were the same age as they were all the same size. they were stick figures with the larger one (the parent) being the symbol for a female. the children’s sex was unclear. they were too small and too close together to figure out. all i know is there were 3 children…i have no idea what it meant…i don;t think i’ll be having triplets any time soon!!
in the next house the microwave was switched off by something while i was washing up…that was freaky…in the same house the night we moved in, a box of pots and pans and crockery scooted about two inches across the kitchen floor.
nothing happened in the next house.
we then moved into a pub and one night at about 3am the sign for the toilets which was suspended on two hooks came crashing to the floor. there was nothing wrong woth the hooks…the sign had somehow lifted itself about 120 degrees to get over them and fall to the floor.
i won’t bore you with the rest but suffice to say there have been shitloads over the years.

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Ok here comes my alien abduction story :smiley:

I was in bed and I felt that I’d woken up and there were people standing around me not saying anything, but I knew they were their and I don’t think I could get up!

So I pulled my phone out of my pocket and pressed a button to turn the screen on and pointed the light at them.

Next thing you know, I could see some grey aliens and they were miffed that I could see them and then they started kicking me!

So I woke up in a ball of sweat on my back with my knees up to my chest trying to protect myself, with my phone where I left it on the floor next to my bed.

Alien abduction or night terror I’ll let you decide :stuck_out_tongue:

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I don’t know due to the nature of schizophrenia but I know if a poltergeist slid a bucket across the floor at me like it did in a YouTube video at the person filming, I guarantee you I will be kicking the bucket back at the thing instead of jumping out of the way because I’ll be damned if I’m putting up with the ■■■■■■■■ of some poorly understood phenomenon.

I have actually started banging on walls and tables wildly and yelling things like “I CAN MAKE NOISE TOO YOU MORON!!” when I heard banging noises that maybe were a poltergeist.

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Moved to Unusual Beliefs for obvious reasons.

(Wearing moderator hat)

I have seen ghosts since I was 4 years old.

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yep I see them most of the time. The most recent one was seeing my grandmother’s ghost on my dads side and she came to me in a dream and said that she was going to see everyone. 2 days later she came in and I could see her floating as she went into my brothers room. My dad was in there producing music at the time and she caught his attention and scared the mess out him.