Do women think I'm stupid?

Thank you… brains and beauty do go together many times. My sis LOVES to point out a few examples. She sites this a lot in her arguments.

Kimba Wood… did a few Playboy spreads and that paid her full Harvard Law bill and she has since become a federal judge.

Dr. Polly Matzinger … three playboy shoots got her the money for Cambridge and Oxford and is a world renowned immunologist.


Who knows? Do you really think you can tell that much from a simple photo?

The older you get the more you realize that you trying to judge a person simply on their looks is a waste of time, counter productive, and just wrong much of the time if not most of the time.

Jumping to inaccurate conclusions from simplistic data is a fault we all fall into sometimes - and something to fight against.

Does this woman below look like a harvard neuroscience graduate who does star wars movies on the side? Who knows?


Thanks surprisedJ. All good feedback, but this is my favorite answer. I was just feeling lost in the shuffle last night.

She could be. You never know. Would she date someone who is? Maybe. depends on the person.

Otherwise we stereotype people based on looks, or we feel stigma is all encompassing and that those with SZ are off limits to people.

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Cute picture sasha…

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im suprised that you are familiar with this model lol

LOL, No, i wasn’t…I’ve seen some pics before looking at tats, but knew nothing about her…there were comparable pics…Found out she did go to college though…whether she was 4.0 I have no idea.

I mean from my experience…with real people…the hotter a girl is, the dumber she is. Just my experience, it’s stereotyping based on people I have met, but hey I learned it

I mean centerfold looks usually arent paired with a very bright mind…that’s not always the case but from my experience I think most of the time it is.

You’re not stupid.

I find that underestimating others is a trait that a lot of people have though.

Where I went to college there were some extremely intelligent girls who could have been models.
I was married to such a girl (not a model but could have been), gifted in science, worked with advanced technology, and I’ve known a couple of others as well-

So the perspective is from personal experience.

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I agree with @mortimermouse. There are soooooooooo many dumb hot girls. What’s more (my region is notorious for this though) they all want a free ride. They all want to find some dude and start poppin out babies. Then they want to complain about how hard being a mom is. Trust me. I was in the Elementry Ed department for a semester. I saw all of this first hand. They don’t want a job.

most women got a hearth so they wont think your stupid if yes they will find it really cute

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Where in the universe do you guys live? Another planet? LOL…I just have not seen this.

Sure, I’ve seen some very pretty model type girls who want a free ride, but an equal number of what would be considered “ugly” or plain/average girls do that too.
But I have seen plenty of very pretty girls who do not want a free ride and are not dumb. In fact some have even told me they KNOW they could get anything they wanted from a guy by looks alone but refused to lower themselves to that level because they weren’t going to be a user, and wanted to make something of themselves.

I have seen the user, free ride, have babies, let someone else take care of them type girls, but looks had nothing to do with it because there were every kind of look among those who did that.

And I haven’t just lived in one area of the country…been around quite a bit…and just haven’t noticed at all what you guys are talking about.

PS: there are some guys who do same…one was my best friend when i was a younger…he hated working and always wanted to hook up witha girl who had a house, apartment and could take care of him…and when some of his GF’s made him go get a job he complained about it! And he was a really cute guy according to most girls…

And here’s one who can provide counseling for you, who i think would set this issue strait…LOL


I live in Memphis, it’s one ghetto ass city, if that makes any difference.

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Just my personal opinion but the pic with all the tats is the least sexy/attractive. Not because of the tats. I just don’t find her that attractive. Tats and nudity don’t make a person sexy.

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Been there… spent the night in a motel somewhere on i think Union, and I was walking so i walked the whole city to get to Arkansas. first place when i got there some dude was trying to 'help" me by going into his prostitute girlfriends room and stealing her coke, which he was going to sell but ended up shooting…then some other room where people were cracked out…I ditched him there…some “help.”
At the motel i stayed some dude first tried to bum money for a burger at Burger King and said he just got out of jail. I would normally help but had like $20 and had to hitch hike 160 miles the next day, so sorry, no. Then i have to watch for him to go away so i can go get food, come back to motel and some dude asks me if i want to buy crack!

@BarbieBF … I agree tats and nudity don’t make someone sexy. I actually look at faces and eyes first…I think she is cute though.

Can I come live in the same region as these girls? They sound like they would be awesome friends.

I agree with you about the model with the tat’s.

She has a very pretty face, but the photo seems sad to me. I’m an odd man I know, but I look at that one and think, “that poor girl, what made her do it? I hope she’s not trying to pay off a slumlord, or get money for her dying mother” or something like that.

Some photos just make me think sad things.


I think it’s just what she’s into, says she does it for fun. And while I don’t like a bunch of tattoos on girls, hers are actually unique and pretty…very colorful.
Actually she went to college for product design and works a regular job as a software tester, besides doing the photo shoots…so I guess she isn’t a dumb girl either…

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In the hard-headed area of rust belt mid-west where I live, most of the women I’ve listened to say ALL men are stupid. And when I look at the men they’re talking about, I can see their point.

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