Do u miss your ex?

I recently saw someone who I haven’t seen in 10+ years. At my art group for this specific organization.

We went to group therapy back in 2015, but we didn’t really hang out much. She would never stay after group ended. We would converse a lot during group though.

Anyways, seeing her, for some reason, made me miss my ex. It’s been going on for like a week now.

Oh, and my ex is married with kids.

I know it’ll go away soon, my depot is tomorrow and I’ve been having mini mixed episodes.

Do u miss your ex ?


Nope! 1515151515

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Lol no.

15 characters

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Shona? F’ing never. My beautiful Emma - Always. The mother of my Dumpling lol.


For years I was hung up on “the girl that got away”. Years and years and years.

It’s only recently, like in the last 2 years that I stopped thinking about her. She’s married with kids.


I think now that i have found a hobby that inspires me and that can make a difference, i am ready to move on and create a new life without my ex.


I miss my ex as much as a tooth ache… guess she is a meth head now and weighs like 80 pounds


I missed my ex for 15 years I no longer miss her

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My GF before my wife was batshxx. Do not miss her at all.

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No i dont. But i would be curious in the far future just to ask whats been happening in thier lives since i was with them. Ive got a few ex’s.

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Sometimes I think about the happy times and it makes me nostalgic for all 3 of my exes, but I don’t miss them. I’m happy in my relationship currently

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i miss my ex, i havent been able to replace her yet, we wer together from 2003- 2016, we did loads together and we supported each other, we met in the mental hospital and she had social phobia and OCD, she also saved me from an overdose in late 2009,

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Whenever I have a deep crisis, my ex-girlfriends visit me in my dreams in a kind, romantic way. It’s awesome. Especially the one with the chestnut hair and big brown eyes. Yes, I miss her.

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I don’t miss my ex-husband. He was narcissistic and always tried to make me feel like I wasn’t good enough for him.

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No I don’t miss my ex wife
I wish her well even though she lied cheated and stole from me.
Forgiveness is important to me


Same with my ex husband.


It was a long, long time ago. We weren’t in love but we went out for some months. I wish I had given it more of a chance and not broken it off so soon. She was pretty and sweet and seemed to honestly like me. She was schizophrenic too.


Sometimes I miss my first ex gf. But I feel like I’ve moved on from her now. My most recent one is a bit of a tricky one.


I just saw my ex and I had a bunch of conflicting emotions. I wouldn’t say I miss her but I’m pretty lonely.


Yeah, I actually do. We’ve moved on – she’s expecting her first child soon – but I would probably feel some emotions if I were to talk to her again. I had some good times with her, times I still reminisce occasionally. Glad she is happy and doing well.