Do u consider ur voices part of yourself?

What do u think the voices are? Is it part of you? Is it you yourself?

I believe my voices are from external sources. I dont have any proof though

Last time i asked you whether you hear voice or not, and you say no. Now you start hearing voice again??

Well… they are something outside of myself… that doesn’t mean they are outside my mind…

They tend to change a bit to fit my expectations… so if I believe they are real and external for long enough… they more accurately portray the kind of nature that makes that seem like a reality… I consider that a delusional state that is part of the illness… as there is no real evidence and it is unhealthy to believe…

However even after just a few good hours of being outside that delusion… the rare occasion that actually allows that to happen… they become more obviously subconscious tormentors… a product of the “imagination” even though they are auditory/environmental fictions of the mind… they were so strongly believed in during that psychotic break that they were not only spawned but set in in a more permanent way… even years later some of the same voices torment me the same way they always did.

They are triggered by background noise primarily these days… my thinking can bring them out if I’m not careful… but staying focused and ignoring them also pushes them back…

When the heater kicks in though… or I have a box fan on… it’s a different scenario… the same parts of my mind that register those frequencies trigger the voices… I don’t know if that is from the original onset… or something that set in later after months of sleeping with a fan on… a simple mental expectation over time becoming a hard wired corresponding nature of my mind in processing the sound…

still I have success at finding good trains of thought that push the voices out to the periphery and separate them from my flow of consciousness… they lose all of their influence… I have to work on maintaining that… but it’s going to take a few more years…

Find what you can control in the mind and make it as normal as possible… be careful how you word your thinking… make sure you are thinking to your self… think in first person… think about other people in third person… there are so many things about the natural monologue that get lost when telepathy/voices get introduced… and every time that manifests in thought it extends the delusions a little bit…

It’s tough to do though… the mind is meant to drift and think freely… we’ve just found a few more fields and areas for our minds to drift into and the way our mind “speaks” reflect that… it’s hard to get back inside the fences of normal self perception.

at least those are things I’m trying and finding for myself…

I am not “it”… I am not “he”… I am me… I will refer to myself as “I”… even simple thoughts like “I should go to the store” didn’t come naturally to me for a long time… and still rarely do.

But the mind does seem to eventually take to the things I try to teach it on its own… once they are the most logical things and the past crap that keeps old thinking alive fades away… Surprisingly a lot of progress is made… more than I could every envision occurring in an instant. Still there is so much to restore… it takes so god damn long… but its becoming more of a back ground process now at least…

I can play video games again finally… and watch movies… I want to start reading… I’m guessing that is going to have the biggest impact… filling my mind with nothing but someone else’s words… learning to tie my imagination back to the sentences… it’s still to difficult for now though… but I do have a growing list of books that I have a decent amount of interest in reading…

[end of rant]

good chats tonight…

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Just a chunk of my subconscious extruding into my consciousness. Using meds to push them back where they belong: Out of sight, into mind.



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I think its god. But he is totally lame and only talks about weird topics revolving around sexual themes. Nothing like the christian god. Its a shame really because i enjoyed a voice-free life, you kind of have much more control over your life when you do.

Well I’ve had it explained to me before, that voices are just the brain misinterpreting subconscious thoughts as an audio source. So I guess I can only logically assume it’s me.

I know intellectually that they’re part of my psyche, and that makes sense. But, I’m guessing because I’m not medicated, they’re very real and physically outside of me. I hear voices in my right ear coming from just behind me, to my right, where I also feel “my companion” standing. Other, lesser, voices are below and all around, like crawling on the ground…I hold both ideas…they are ofcourse part of my own psyche, but they are real beings outside of myself.

some of them are internal and part of my imagination… some of them sound external and foreign and real.

all mine…just strangers pasting by from time to time, nothing like the scare ones that come for you in the warestus times of your life. superstressout…beond the point of no retrun.

I used to believe my voices were coming from outside my head. Now I believe they are my brain malfunctioning. I think the ultimate proof of that is when they turned nicer after I became compliant to antidepressants. Because my mood improved so did there’s. In many ways they continue to be a bother but they do keep me company when I’m alone.

I used to believe that the voices were beings outside of myself…

There were 5 or 6 separate beings that were not only inserting thoughts into my brain… but also talking to me… and only I could see them.

At one point I also thought they were spirits.

Now I realize… it’s all me… my subconscious… my inner thoughts parts of me… getting loud.

Still throws me when the voices start acting up… but at least these days… it doesn’t freak me out and throw me as much as it used to.