Do you believe your voices have consciousness

Do you believe your voices have consciousness and are self aware?

no because they are not real


Can they still have consciousness and be from your own brain?

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I haven’t thought about that long enough to give an answer I’m fully comfortable giving. At the point I’m at with the thought right now, they may possibly be conscious but only due to the fact I believe I am. I doubt they’d be self aware and more so externally aware, I guess you could call it.

Well it’s hard to say. My voices sound like demons acting like children, Definitely some kind of voice modifier, sometimes they sound like straight demons too. When I first went skitzophrenic I heard a few angels talking to me as I slept the night before. It’s like a game or something with heaven and hell, very weird stuff. But yeah I’m swaying either way they might be alive for all I know.

My voices are dumb as hell but they are intelligently patterned and understand my thought. I’m long past interacting with them now they are just noise. What really creeps me out is the telepathy. I don’t know where it comes from whether it’s actually these people, or from something else. There are just times though where it doesn’t really seem like it’s me.

no because it would be something that you gave it.
the way i see voices are if they were real why is it no one else but you can hear them

Yeah mine can read my thoughts too.

If you quit thinking about them you can maybe sever the connection. They’ll still be there but it makes them a separate object not something your talking to. Talking with them is furious. Worked for me.

It requires a lot of brain power to do that makes me dizzy, they’re right on me like brown on rice haha. I usually just tell em to f*** off a few hundred times a day. oh and I also use the “Yeah Right” over and over and don’t believe a word they say.

Lol you’ll get there man. I was confrontational with the voices for the first couple years. They have been drastically reduced in volume since I severed the connection. I can listen to them when I want to but have no inclination to speak with them. As they are stupid incessant irrationalities.

I believe voices come from your brain and are unconscious thoughts similar to dreams.

Do dreams and voices have consciousness? Not sure. But if they do, it’s a parasitic or symbiotic consciousness because they can’t exist without or outside my brain.

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It’s definitely all in your head even seemingly telepathic communication. Perceived though transference. They will never tell you anything you don’t already know. @pansdisease might say other wise if he were still here.

I used to. I used to think they were from outside my head somehow getting in.

They had personas and personalities and it used to make me curl up and give up. It was a fight not to do what they said sometimes.

But for over a year now with CBT and other help… I’ve been realizing that what’s in my head is generated by me, not an external source coming form somewhere else.

What’s in my head is all me. My doc upped my Latuda dose and the voices have faded even more. It’s taken me a long time to get used to a mostly quiet head. When my head gets too quiet it makes me feel a little off balance.

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The voices show signs of consciousness, do they not? So what makes them not have consciousness but say a dog, something with less signs of intelligence, conscious?

They have no physical self for one thing. They are disociated intelligence in the mind itself. Hardly classifiable as a living thing on its own. I see where you coming from but I think their functioning is much more integral to the larger intelligence they reside within.

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Does a fart have consciousness? I don’t think so, what would that even mean…

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I do believe the voices have a complete mind of their own.

I’ve talked to sluts on the internet who had less signs of consciousness than the telepathy.


separate conciousness? yes of course. seperate entity…somewhat…separate identity? definitely but they come from my mind and not some outside source. i truly believe that i have multiple personalities that reside in my mind. they have their own identities, own voices but their experience of the world is through me. they see through my eyes, feel what i feel, taste what i taste, smell (supposedly) what i smell and see into my mind’s eye, ie my mental imagery. for these to be outside entities it would be impossible for them to concentrate on their own lives as most if not all of my voices are real people who have both jobs and families and lives and yet i’m supposed to believe that they can expend all this energy on all these senses without it disrupting their lives one iota? nope, sorry, not buying that. voices and mental imagery are disruptive to one’s thought process and yet these people, both live and dead ones are supposed to be able to carry out their daily lives, create music, write or learn scripts, direct movies, present live shows, fix software…all whilst listening to my thoughts and outwardly through my ears, feeling the emotions and physical feelings i feel, seeing through my eyes and my mental imagery, tasting what i taste , smelling what i smell…it can’t be real. even if say, these people had another personality soley devoted to this influx of information, they only have one brain and allthis information would get sent to that one brain. it would be overwhelming and they wouldn’t be able to concentrate on their jobs or lives. this is supposed to be like a conference telepathy call in my head…imagine trying to have sex while listening to not only me but but all of their friends aswell. imagine masturbating or trying to with all that going on. sorry but it’s just not real telepathy in my case at all and i don’t believe it is in anyone’s case. the brain or mind can divide itself into many entities/identities and that’s what i have…an integration disorder. my mind is segregated into many individual parts, all with names, different voices etc. but that’s all they are…many different parts of the host ie: me.