Do the voices shut up when you’re making conversation with people?
No. They’re quite rude. I have to really concentrate to keep track of things.
They lessen when I’m social, but one of them keeps making rude comments about the people I talk to
Usually but not always
Yeah, though sometimes they’ll add in little quips like after someone says something. They don’t talk over people though.
Though that may be because the external stimuli of a person talking to me overpowers the internal stimuli, so even if they tried I wouldn’t notice.
Yes, my voices keep talking while “real” people are talking. It’s very distracting and makes it hard to focus.
Mine try to make me say things embarrassing or rude.
Well, at the moment my voices appear to be fairly quiet, so if they do talk, i don’t really hear them. At least not when i’m talking to someone else. Sometimes i still have to concentrate hard on what the other person is saying, i do experience ongoing cognitive issues at times due to this illness. Slower to process things, slower to respond, getting myself muddled up, etc.
If you are in bilateral conversation with Actual Human Being (face to face ),then, you sending your vocal message and the other receives it, and he sending his answer to you,as long as this process occurs within systematic speed between You and the Interlocutor,and repeating this for a period of time
= During the time of mutual conversation you do not hear the spoken voices which broadcasting from the Incorporeal Being ( source of the speaker)-why ?
Because,the bilateral conversation is the only mechanism (in waking time) that can be able to blocking the inner pathway of the incorporeal heard voices ,which means that the incorporeal voice has using the internal pathways which be used during the bilateral conversation with actual human being
All of this means that; if you use the inner pathways during the bilateral conversation ,the incorporeal voice can not using it in the same time !
My voices always die down when I’m social. But then, I only hear mumbling, nonsensical voices.
Each human being have single voice not many,have stable vocal fingerprint features(male or/female) all lifetime during the growth and development stages (young/old), because it is determines by the genetic characteristics not acquired by the behavior
the personal vocal fingerprint features are unable to changed (the inherited male voice remain male all lifetime,and the female voice remain female )
Then,if you think you are listen to your voice,you should hearing to Single Voice (male voice if you are a man,female if you are a women),and perceive the full corresponding between the heard voice features and your original voice itself, not perceiving many different voices in the same time
When they were at there peak they would just comment on everything i was saying pretty much. They seemed to be more in focus and logical when i was alone. Like they were able talk over people that i was trying to listen too but they had nothing to say really until the person finished. For example when i was at the peak of my psychosis i tried stealing sleep medicine from a publix market. they were talking me through the whole process on how to do it and everything. Anyway skip to the part where i was in the manager office talking to the cop and the manager, i gave logical explanation on why i was trying to steal it (the voices told me to keep them a secret so i just told them basically that i was feeling suicidal since thats what they wanted me to say) and after every single time i got through talking the voices were like good answer. But they would also intervene while the manager was talking to me with the so called telepathic thoughts as well though. So mainly what they did was comment on everything i said but at times they would pretend like they were peoples psyches trapped in my head aye man i didnt know i just know that i would start feeling light headed when a crowd would start mumbling. But that didnt start happening till i was in the psych ward taking meds two times a day. I think i might have been on haldol… idk i got to check my records. But anyway yea they seemed to talk whenever they wanted
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